HackaIran / HackaPanel

⌨️ Hacka{Iran}'s Contest Panel / IDE
MIT License
16 stars 5 forks source link
code-editor contest hacka hackathon

Hacka{Iran}'s Contest Panel

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Compete with others in style!


HackaPanel is a Node application which provides competition system over Hacka{Iran}'s contests with the vast variety of supported languages and features.

Table of Contents


Getting Started


  1. Download and Install Node.js
  2. Download and Install MongoDB


Lets start by installing npm packages on the same route as 'app,js' issue:

> npm install

Then we need to setup the Database using the following commands:

> mongo
MongoDB shell version v3.6.3
connecting to: mongodb://localhost
> use hacka
switched to db hacka

Moving on to installing the Webpack we issue:

> npm install -g webpack 

⚠️ Note: You may need root access, use sudo if installation failed with the error npm ERR! Error: EACCES: permission denied

Rename and remove ".sample" from the files under contest/ like below:

On HackaPanel/ issue:

> webpack

You're Done! Run the server using the following command:

> nodemon app.js



You can touch "db" property in "hacka.config.js" like below:

host: 'mongodb://localhost/', // Change it based on your mongodb config
dbname: 'hacka' // Change it if you wish to customize it (Default one is OK!) 


You can touch "time" property in "hacka.config.js" like below:

// You can edit the start time and end time for the duration in between
time: {
    start: {
        hours: 16, // Start time hour
        minutes: 30, // Start time minute
        seconds: 0 // Start time second
    end: {
        hours: 18, // End time hour
        minutes: 10, // End time minute
        seconds: 0 // End time second


Copyright (c) 2017 HackaIran All rights reserved.

This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. For a copy, see https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.