Haehnchen / uniswap-arbitrage-flash-swap

Uniswap flash swap arbitrage solidity contracts
MIT License
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Uniswap Arbitrage Flash Swap Contract

You want to play with "millions" on the blockchain then try https://uniswap.org/docs/v2/smart-contract-integration/using-flash-swaps/. This contract is able to arbitrage between DEX on the blockchain without providing any own capital. Basically is usable on the Binance Smart Chain and provides callbacks for common DEX, feel free to extend.

This is not a full project, build your or own infrastructure around it!





All examples are more or less overengineered for a quick start, so here we have a KISS solution.


Basically arbitrage opportunity dont last long, your transaction must make it into the next block. So you have <3 seconds watching for opportunities, decide and execute transaction. Sometimes there are also a chance to 2-3 have block, see example below.

[7920960] [6/1/2021, 5:50:37 PM]: alive (bsc-ws-node.nariox.org) - took 308.42 ms
[7920991] [6/1/2021, 5:52:09 PM]: [bsc-ws-node.nariox.org] [BAKE/BNB ape>bakery] Arbitrage opportunity found! Expected profit: 0.007 $2.43 - 0.10%
[7920991] [6/1/2021, 5:52:09 PM] [bsc-ws-node.nariox.org]: [BAKE/BNB ape>bakery] and go:  {"profit":"$1.79","profitWithoutGasCost":"$2.43","gasCost":"$0.64","duration":"539.35 ms","provider":"bsc-ws-node.nariox.org"}
[7920992] [6/1/2021, 5:52:13 PM]: [bsc-ws-node.nariox.org] [BAKE/BNB ape>bakery] Arbitrage opportunity found! Expected profit: 0.007 $2.43 - 0.10%
[7920992] [6/1/2021, 5:52:13 PM] [bsc-ws-node.nariox.org]: [BAKE/BNB ape>bakery] and go:  {"profit":"$1.76","profitWithoutGasCost":"$2.43","gasCost":"$0.67","duration":"556.28 ms","provider":"bsc-ws-node.nariox.org"}
[7921000] [6/1/2021, 5:52:37 PM]: alive (bsc-ws-node.nariox.org) - took 280.54 ms

Requirements / Hints


The contract is plain and simple [contracts/Flashswap.sol] some basic hints:

Check arbitrage opportunity between DEX. Read only method the one blockchain

    function check(
        address _tokenBorrow, // example: BUSD
        uint256 _amountTokenPay, // example: BNB => 10 * 1e18
        address _tokenPay, // example: BNB
        address _sourceRouter,
        address _targetRouter
    ) public view returns(int256, uint256) {

Starts the execution. You are able to estimate the gas usage of the function, its also directly validating the opportunity. Its slow depending on connected nodes.

    function start(
        uint _maxBlockNumber,
        address _tokenBorrow, // example BUSD
        uint256 _amountTokenPay,
        address _tokenPay, // our profit and what we will get; example BNB
        address _sourceRouter,
        address _targetRouter,
        address _sourceFactory
    ) external {

As all developers are lazy and just forking projects around without any rename a common implementation is possible. Basically the pair contract call the foreign method of the contract. You can find them the naming in any pair contract inside the swap() method.

Example: https://bscscan.com/address/0x0eD7e52944161450477ee417DE9Cd3a859b14fD0#code: if (data.length > 0) IPancakeCallee(to).pancakeCall(msg.sender, amount0Out, amount1Out, data);

Extend method if needed:

# internal callback 
function execute(address _sender, uint256 _amount0, uint256 _amount1, bytes calldata _data) internal

# foreign methods that get called
function pancakeCall(address _sender, uint256 _amount0, uint256 _amount1, bytes calldata _data) external
function uniswapV2Call(address _sender, uint256 _amount0, uint256 _amount1, bytes calldata _data) external

Run it

Its not a full infrastructure, but a working workflow, if you deploy the contract.

cp env.template .env # replace values inside ".env"
node watcher.js
started: wallet 0xXXXX - gasPrice 5000000000 - contract owner: 0xXXXX
[bsc-ws-node.nariox.org] You are connected on 0xXXXX
[8124531] [6/8/2021, 7:53:20 PM]: [bsc-ws-node.nariox.org] [BUSD/BNB pancake>panther] Arbitrage checked! Expected profit: -0.015 $-4.99 - -0.15%
[8124532] [6/8/2021, 7:53:21 PM]: [bsc-ws-node.nariox.org] [BUSD/BNB pancake>panther] Arbitrage checked! Expected profit: -0.015 $-4.99 - -0.15%
[8124533] [6/8/2021, 7:53:24 PM]: [bsc-ws-node.nariox.org] [BUSD/BNB pancake>panther] Arbitrage checked! Expected profit: -0.014 $-4.71 - -0.14%
[8124534] [6/8/2021, 7:53:27 PM]: [bsc-ws-node.nariox.org] [BUSD/BNB pancake>panther] Arbitrage checked! Expected profit: -0.014 $-4.61 - -0.14%
