Haiethan1 / ValorantApp

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Multiple discords #88

Open Haiethan1 opened 3 months ago

Haiethan1 commented 3 months ago

I guess something to overcome for a minimum viable product (MVP) for this feature is to

  1. Be able to have multiple discords
  2. Users should be able to choose what channels they want their messages to be sent to. A. Requirement - Users must be in the discord they are selecting the channel for B. This will probably consist of 3 commands - AddChannel, RemoveChannel (from the list of channels probably), ListChannels C. Store channel(s) information with User information. D. Default channel on AddMe command will be the channel they used to add themselves in. All current users will have this discord as their channel.
  3. Messages should not be grouped up into the same match if the user is not included in that channel (so the KEY when filtering matches should no longer only be MatchID, but MatchID + channel id(s))
  4. Commands should not allow for users to search for users outside of their server. A. Example - The MMR command should not allow someone from server X search for someone from server Y. i. The discord client doesn't allow you to @ someone from a different server, but you can manually type in the @UUID of the person to overcome this, so this issue is still relevant..
  5. A rate limit should be added. I can only run 90 request / min currently with my api key. This means that, with more users, I will have to limit the amount users ran. A. Requirement - Users in the same match should still be requested together. B. A few solutions that can be used i. Utilize a queue system. get the match stats in a batch (maybe say 10, ran every 30s?. worst case scenario - 10 users each with a different 5 stack all in the DB 50 request per half minute. Will never happen for now but something to take into account). If a user that is not in that batch but is in the match, bring them into the batch and move them to the back of the queue along with the rest of the batched users. Cons - bringing a user into the batch will make it slower since the api calls will have to run separately instead of together. Another con is this will increase wait time in between when user's get checked since we can only check 10 different matches at a time. ii. unknown..
Haiethan1 commented 3 months ago
