Haiethan1 / ValorantApp

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Initial Setup

  1. Create a Discord Bot Application:

    • Go to Discord Developer Portal
    • Create a new application for your bot.
    • Note down your bot's token and your Discord channel's ID. These will be needed in App.config.
  2. Add Bot to Discord Server:

    • Add your bot to your Discord server.
    • Grant the following permissions to your bot (at least):
      • Slash Commands
      • Send Messages
      • Read Messages / View Channels
  3. Configuration:

    • Update App.config with your bot's token and your Discord channel's ID.
    • To prevent Git from tracking changes to App.config, run:
      git update-index --assume-unchanged ValorantApp/App.config
  4. Development Environment Setup:

    • Download and install Visual Studio.
    • Open ValorantApp.sln in Visual Studio.
    • Install all required NuGet dependencies.
  5. Database Setup:

    • Download and install SQLite3 for your database.