HaikuArchives / TheAwesomeResizer

Allows quick dynamic resizing of any translator-supported image.
1 stars 4 forks source link

Experimental smooth scaling #2

Closed janus2 closed 6 years ago

janus2 commented 6 years ago

This is a WIP please do not merge.

What do you think @humdingerb?

humdingerb commented 6 years ago

Very nice!

The filtering algo of ShowImage seems to be much more optimized though. I barely see CPU usage there compared to stuttering window resizing with TAResizer.

I dimly remember stippi describing how neat it is to have worker threads applying a filter which can be interrupted when the data changes (i.e. a new resize event arrives in our case). I assume it's not trivial, though... :)

If it can't be optimized further, maybe the filtering should be done on mouse-up after all and the resizing of the window done non-filtered.

I'd like to eliminate the "Show grip" checkbox. Feels like a too tiny option to waste space on. Idea: only show the big resize grip if the mouse is over that corner of the window. If possible...

janus2 commented 6 years ago

As I can see the code of ShowImage is the same of TAResizer

janus2 commented 6 years ago

The scaling code... The drawing code is not optimized, without the smooth scaling the resizing is still very expensive on my machine.

humdingerb commented 6 years ago

Maybe the CPU gets hammered, because every resizing event triggers a filtering and those queue up? ShowImge only resizes when a button is pressed and therefore doesn't has to filter continuously.