Author: Jonathan Villemure\ E-mail:\ Web page: \ Description: TAResizer is a freeware application that allows quick dynamic resizing of any translator supported image and much much more.\ Platform: Compiled under BeOS R5 (Intel Only)\ Version: 3.3
Drag'n Drop an image file on the window to show it, or click the dropzone for a file open dialog.
Resizing the window (with the borders) resize the image.
You can also enter the width and height directly.
Uncheck "Aspect Ratio" and the image will fit the entire window.
"Reset" resize the image to its original size, removing all effects along the way.
"Undo" undo the last action done on the image.
"Smooth scaling", to improve the visual quality of shrinked images. (I tried to implement it to be done on-the-fly while resizing but I lost the "smooth resizing" feel, so I decided to put it separetly. It only works with shrinked images)
"Filename" contains the name of the file that will be created.
"Format" Allow you to choose your preferred output format (you MUST select one).
Click on the modified image and drag it out (in a folder or on the desktop) to create a new image in the choosen output format.
You can also do a right-click drag to specify a particular region of the image to save !
"Action" : (Use "Apply" to execute the choosen action)
-Nothing except that TAResizer is now FREEWARE !!!
You must have an image loaded, the "File" Box must NOT be empty and you must choose an output format (jpg, bmp, etc)
-Comments ? Questions ? Suggestions ? Want more Informations ? Reproductible Bug ? Bad spelling in this readme ? Write to