HalfQuark / SquadronsReloaded

Movecraft addon which reimplements SquadronDirectors
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 2 forks source link


Movecraft addon which reimplements SquadronDirectors.
Code from Movecraft https://github.com/APDevTeam/Movecraft was used.
Use legacy branch for Movecraft 7 and 1.12 spigot.


lead - tps you to lead squadron craft
carrier - tps you to the carrier craft
cruise [On,Off,North,East,South,West] - toggles squadron cruise
release [player] - releases own squadron or other player's squadron
scuttle [player] - scuttles own squadron or other player's squadron
formation [ON/OFF] [formation] [spacing] - turns formation on or off
info [player] - displays own squadron info or other player's squadron info
list - lists all squadrons on the server


Form a squadron by left clicking craft signs (like Airskiff signs) while piloting a carrier type.
The carried types must be part of the carrier to be added to the squadron.
When any translation or rotation (including indirect and direct control cruising) is performed on a squadron craft
all crafts of the squadron will try to mimic it.
Each craft is attributed an id when added to the squadron, starting at 0 (Changed from 1 to 0 due to formation expressions) and increasing.
The squadron pilot has to control the squadron from one of the crafts using the manoverboard command or sign.
The manoverboard/sign will take the pilot to the lead craft which is the craft with the minimum id in the squadron at that point.
The pilot will not get released from the carrier while they are on board any squadron's craft.

Signs on crafts:

These work


These should not work


Redstone components:

Buttons, levers, repeaters and comparators are synchronised across all squadron crafts.
They update when changed.
Buttons will not get stuck on Pressed state.
They need to be color coded, for example:

Synced signs:

When right-clicking a synced sign on a squadron craft, all signs of the same type (for example: LaunchTorpedo) sharing any line(string) with the clicked sign will be also activated.
The first line of the clicked sign won't be considered, so if for example we want to fire all torpedoes either include the same name in all LaunchTorpedo signs or include another line which also says LaunchTorpedo on the clicked sign.


When forming up a formation name and spacing must be specified.
Crafts will always try to form up when not cruising.
Formations can be customised via .formation files in the Formations folder:
name: [Formation Name]
minSpacing: Minimum valid integer for spacing
maxSpacing: Maximum valid integer for spacing
x: [Expression]
y: [Expression]
z: [Expression]
x: [Expression]
y: [Expression]
z: [Expression]
x: [Expression]
y: [Expression]
z: [Expression]
x: [Expression]
y: [Expression]
z: [Expression]
Expressions are used to determine each craft's relative position to the lead craft. They can use the opperators: + - * / and ^
They can use 2 variables:
n : craft's rank, ammount of crafts in the squadron with id smaller than the craft's id (integer)
s : spacing specified on the formation command/sign
The relative position of a craft is then calculated by the x, y and z expressions of the cardinal direction of the squadron's movement.
If no direction of movement was detected, it will default to NORTH.

Direction correction:

On detection if conflicting cruise signs are found the craft won't be added to the squadron.
The "front" of a craft is determined by the cruise sign on detection.
If this is missing it is determined by the first cruise movement it performs.
Crafts will always try to correct their orientation to face in the same direction as the lead craft.

Custom signs:

SquadronRelease - same as release command
SquadronLead - same as manoverboard command
Line 2:[Formation name]
Line 3:[Spacing] - right click to form up, left click to turn off formation


movecraft.squadron.lead - permission to use the lead command
movecraft.squadron.carrier - permission to use the lead command
movecraft.squadron.cruise - permission to use the cruise command
movecraft.squadron.release - permission to use the release command
movecraft.squadron.release.others - permission to release other squadrons
movecraft.squadron.scuttle - permission to use the scuttle command
movecraft.squadron.scuttle.others - permission to scuttle other squadrons
movecraft.squadron.info - permission to use the info command
movecraft.squadron.info.others - permission to view other squadrons' info
movecraft.squadron.list - permission to use the list command
movecraft.squadron.pilot - permission to pilot squadrons
movecraft.squadron.formation - permission to use the formations command


carriedTypes - list all craft types which can be carried aka be piloted as a squadron craft
carrierTypes - list all crafts which can be used to launch squadrons
needsCarrier - if squadron crafts need to be part of a carrier to be piltoed
manoverboardTime - specify the manoverboard timer when you fall from a squadron craft
tpToNewLead - if true the plugin will try to tp the player to the new squadron lead craft when the current one is sunk if the player is standing on it
squadMaxSize - (double) specify the base maximum number of crafts allowed on a squadron
squadMaxSizeCarrierMultiplier - (double) specify the carrier displacement multiplier

  Final squadron max number of crafts = squadMaxSize + squadMaxSizeCarrierMultiplier * carrier displacement when piloted  

squadMaxDisplacement - (double) specify the base maximum displacement allowed on a squadron
squadMaxDisplacementCarrierMultiplier: - (double) specify the carrier displacement multiplier

  Final squadron max displacement = squadMaxDisplacement + squadMaxDisplacementCarrierMultiplier * carrier displacement when piloted  

turnTicks - specify how many ticks the plugin will wait to try to correct a craft's orientation after it moves
formationRoundDistance - specify min distance from formation position at which crafts won't attempt to form up anymore
formationSpeedMultiplier - speed multiplied used when forming up, multiplied to the default movement tick delay of the crafts
syncedSigns - list of types of sign which will be syncronised across squadron crafts