Hallowes-Tech-FEC / Lowes-Clone-Picture-Gallery

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Full-Stack Web Application Utilizing Agile Methodology!!!

Lowes Item Description Component

This is a mock-up Lowes component built to display product information and have cart functionality.

This project is intended to work as a full-stack microservice integrated with my team's microservices to form a complete Lowes Item Description Page.

Related Projects

Table of Contents

  1. Usage
  2. Requirements
  3. Development


Visit our site! - http://(some-Url-if-Deploy) (GIF of working site)

Technology stack

A full stack react app built with the philosophy of continuously-integrated, test-driven development.


Installing Dependencies

From within the root directory:

npm install


From within the root directory:

To seed database

npm db:seed

To run server

npm start

To run dev enviroment/webpack

npm run react-dev

To run tests

npm test