HalosGhost / ailur

A highly extensible bot written in lua
GNU General Public License v2.0
4 stars 2 forks source link


This is an experimental IRC bot written entirely in lua.

It exists almost exclusively to help me learn about the IRC protocol and to allow for quick prototyping before I actually dive in and code a bot in C.

PRs / Issues welcome, but note that, because this is a prototype, feature requests may be unlikely to be completed.


You should have lua 5.3 installed as well as some additional lua libraries. These libraries can be installed using your operating system's package management or luarocks.

Required libraries

* luafilesystem
* lsqlite3
* luasocket
* luajson
* luasec


Upstream provides a default configuration in default_config.lua. This file should not be modified; rather, if you wish to provide your own configuration, copy the default configuration to config.lua and modify it to your liking:

.. code::

$ cp default_config.lua config.lua
$ $EDITOR config.lua

Starting the Bot

In a terminal run the following command in the ``src`` directory:

.. code::

    lua main.lua


Bugs should be reported on the GitHub `issue tracker <https://github.com/HalosGhost/irc_bot/issues>`_.


This codebase is licsensed under the `GNU General Public License v2.0 <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html/>`_. All contributions should likewise be licensed the same.