Halvor0808 / gemini-webbrowser

GNU General Public License v3.0
0 stars 0 forks source link

Gemini Webbrowser

Build & Setup

Prerequisites :

Clone repo with preferred method

  1. (SSH): git clone git@github.com:Halvor0808/gemini-webbrowser.git
  2. (HTTPS): git https://github.com/Halvor0808/gemini-webbrowser.git

Change directory to the root of the project: cd gemini-webbrowser

Build & Setup: Graders INF221

If you are grading my INF221 submission: git fetch --all.

git tag 221-submission

Checkout this git tag: git checkout 221-submission

There is a cabal.freeze file in the repository that will automatically choose the right dependencies. Navigate to root of project and then run: cabal update & cabal run.


There is the tiniest Test Suite called test. Run it by running cabal test from the root directory.

There are also some unit tests. Run them by running cabal repl test, and then running unitTests

Known issues


TUI Goal:

|             Searchbar             |
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|          Page contents            |
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|            basic help             |