HamWAN / infrastructure-configs

Ansible roles and playbooks for HamWAN servers, applications, and router infrastructure.
Apache License 2.0
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HamWAN Infrastructure Configs

Operator Workstation Setup (Fedora)

cd ~
sudo dnf -y install ansible git jq
git clone --recursive https://github.com/HamWAN/infrastructure-configs.git
cd infrastructure-configs
cp .ansible.cfg ~
ansible-galaxy install -r roles/requirements.yml

Listing all hosts in PSDR inventory

ansible --list-hosts all

Listing all hosts in PSDR with OS=Linux

ansible --list-hosts os_linux

Listing all hosts in PSDR with OS=Linux and Owner=HamWAN

ansible --list-hosts 'os_linux:&owner_HamWAN'

Listing all hosts in PSDR with OS=Linux and Owner=HamWAN that aren't Type=Container

ansible --list-hosts 'os_linux:&owner_HamWAN:!type_container'

General inventory exploration

Now that you know the basics of group matching, you can surf the available inventory:

~/infrastructure-configs/inventories/psdr/hosts.sh | jq | less

More details about selecting inventory subsets here.

Running the PSDR playbook against a single server

ansible-playbook --limit <server> psdr.yml

Running the PSDR playbook against the targets predefined inside it

ansible-playbook psdr.yml

Developer Workstation Setup (Fedora)

First, run the Operator Workstation Setup, then:

sudo dnf -y install vagrant-libvirt rubygem-rexml @virtualization
sudo systemctl enable --now libvirtd
sudo usermod --append --groups libvirt `whoami`
vagrant up --no-parallel