Hamilcare / TarponSimulator2017

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Tarpon Simulator 2017

Build Status

Play it!

  1. Install dependencies
    • On Linux, you must install SDL2 and mono. On Fedora: dnf install mono SDL2 SDL2-devel
    • On macOS, you must install SDL2 and mono, we don't know how.
    • On Windows, you have nothing to do.
  2. Download Tarpon Simulator 2017 binaries (Windows and Linux)
  3. Unzip it and launch it
    • On Windows, just double click on TarponSimulator2017.exe
    • On Linux and macOS, run mono TarponSimulator2017.exe

I don't know yet why SDL2-devel is required on Fedora

Hack it!

We are developing the game under Fedora (and the following instructions are for Fedora), but it is theorically possible to develop it from macOS or Windows.

# Install dependencies
sudo dnf install -y monodevelop zip SDL2 SDL2-devel nuget ca-certificates nunit2 gtk-sharp3 gtk-sharp3-devel

# Install certificates for nuget
sudo cert-sync /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt

# Install monogame
curl http://www.monogame.net/releases/v3.6/monogame-sdk.run -o ./monogame-sdk.run
chmod +x monogame-sdk.run
sudo ./monogame-sdk.run

# Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/Hamilcare/TarponSimulator2017.git
cd TarponSimulator2017

# Our version of monodevelop crashes if it find a .git folder
# We will rename .git to .git2 and use an alias, git2, to use git from command line
mv .git .git2
echo 'alias git2="git --git-dir=.git2"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
git2 status

# Edit resources

# Launch editor

Our automated build id described in the Dockerfile and the Jenkinsfile. You can inspect them if you have a problem with the previous commands.
