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h1. Supported hardware (smart cards and USB tokens) https://github.com/OpenSC/OpenSC/wiki/Supported-hardware-(smart-cards-and-USB-tokens)

NB! Unless noted otherwise, OpenSC works only with contact interface!

h2. National ID Cards

These are usually pre-initialized read-only cards. Supported eID cards:

h2. Generic smart cards

Each entry on this list possibly represents a whole family of cards. See each page to find out which models are supported. Personalizable cards:

Read-only cards:

JavaCard applets:

h2. USB Tokens

Each entry on this list possibly represents a whole family of tokens. See each page to find out which models are supported. These devices are also known as cryto-sticks.

Did not find your card from the supported card list? See [[FrequentlyAskedQuestions|Frequently-Asked-Questions]] for next steps.

h2. Unsupported hardware

Things that we have (some) code for but which are known to be incomplete, broken or largely useless.

Unclear/unsupported eID cards:

Unsupported USB tokens:

Unsupported smart cards: