PyTorch implementation of "How to Train Your MAML to Excel in Few-Shot Classification"
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few-shot-learning iclr2022 maml meta-learning

How to Train Your MAML to Excel in Few-Shot Classification

The code repository for "How to Train Your MAML to Excel in Few-Shot Classification" (Accepted by ICLR 2022) in PyTorch.

If you use any content of this repo for your work, please cite the following bib entry:

  author    = {Han-Jia Ye and
               Wei-Lun Chao},
  title     = {How to Train Your {MAML} to Excel in Few-Shot Classification},
  booktitle = {10th International Conference on Learning Representations ({ICLR})},
  year      = {2021}

Main idea of UNICORN-MAML

Model-agnostic meta-learning (MAML) is arguably the most popular meta-learning algorithm nowadays, given its flexibility to incorporate various model architectures and to be applied to different problems. Nevertheless, its performance on few-shot classification is far behind many recent algorithms dedicated to the problem. In this paper, we point out several key facets of how to train MAML to excel in few-shot classification. First, we find that a large number of gradient steps are needed for the inner loop update, which contradicts the common usage of MAML for few-shot classification. Second, we find that MAML is sensitive to the permutation of class assignments in meta-testing: for a few-shot task of N classes, there are exponentially many ways to assign the learned initialization of the N-way classifier to the N classes, leading to an unavoidably huge variance. Third, we investigate several ways for permutation invariance and find that learning a shared classifier initialization for all the classes performs the best. On benchmark datasets such as MiniImageNet and TieredImageNet, our approach, which we name UNICORN-MAML, performs on a par with or even outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms, while keeping the simplicity of MAML without adding any extra sub-networks.

Standard Few-shot Learning Results

Experimental results on few-shot learning datasets with ResNet-12 backbone (Same as the MetaOptNet). We report average results with 10,000 randomly sampled few-shot learning episodes for stablized evaluation.

MiniImageNet Dataset Setups 1-Shot 5-Way 5-Shot 5-Way
ProtoMAML 62.62 79.24
MetaOptNet 62.64 78.63
DeepEMD 65.91 82.41
FEAT 66.78 82.05
MAML 64.42 83.44
UNICORN-MAML 65.17 84.30

TieredImageNet Dataset

Setups 1-Shot 5-Way 5-Shot 5-Way
ProtoMAML 67.10 81.18
MetaOptNet 65.99 81.56
DeepEMD 71.52 86.03
FEAT 70.80 84.79
MAML 65.72 84.37
UNICORN-MAML 69.24 86.06


The following packages are required to run the scripts:


MiniImageNet Dataset

The MiniImageNet dataset is a subset of the ImageNet that includes a total number of 100 classes and 600 examples per class. We follow the previous setup, and use 64 classes as base categories, 16 and 20 as two sets of novel categories for model validation and evaluation, respectively.

TieredImageNet Dataset

TieredImageNet is a large-scale dataset with more categories, which contains 351, 97, and 160 categoriesfor model training, validation, and evaluation, respectively.

Code Structures

To reproduce our experiments with UNICORN-MAML, please use train_fsl.py. There are four parts in the code.

Model Training and Evaluation

Please use train_fsl.py and follow the instructions below. The file will automatically evaluate the model on the meta-test set with 10,000 tasks after given epochs.


The train_fsl.py takes the following command line options (details are in the model/utils.py):

Task Related Arguments

Optimization Related Arguments

Model Related Arguments

Other Arguments

Running the command without arguments will train the models with the default hyper-parameter values. Loss changes will be recorded as a tensorboard file.

Training scripts for UNICORN-MAML

For example, to train the 1-shot/5-shot 5-way MAML/UNICORN-MAML model with ResNet-12 backbone on MiniImageNet:

$ python train_fsl.py --max_epoch 100 --way 5 --eval_way 5 --lr_scheduler step --model_class MAML --lr_mul 10 --backbone_class Res12 --dataset MiniImageNet --gpu 0 --query 15 --step_size 20 --gamma 0.1 --para_init './saves/initialization/miniimagenet/Res12-pre.pth' --lr 0.001 --shot 1 --eval_shot 1  --temperature 0.5 --gd_lr 0.05 --inner_iters 15
$ python train_fsl.py --max_epoch 100 --way 5 --eval_way 5 --lr_scheduler step --model_class MAML --lr_mul 10 --backbone_class Res12 --dataset MiniImageNet --gpu 0 --query 15 --step_size 20 --gamma 0.1 --para_init './saves/initialization/miniimagenet/Res12-pre.pth' --lr 0.001 --shot 5 --eval_shot 5  --temperature 0.5 --gd_lr 0.1 --inner_iters 20 
$ python train_fsl.py --max_epoch 100 --way 5 --eval_way 5 --lr_scheduler step --model_class MAMLUnicorn --lr_mul 10 --backbone_class Res12 --dataset MiniImageNet --gpu 0 --query 15 --step_size 20 --gamma 0.1 --para_init './saves/initialization/miniimagenet/Res12-pre.pth' --lr 0.001 --shot 1 --eval_shot 1  --temperature 0.5 --gd_lr 0.1 --inner_iters 5 
$ python train_fsl.py --max_epoch 100 --way 5 --eval_way 5 --lr_scheduler step --model_class MAMLUnicorn --lr_mul 10 --backbone_class Res12 --dataset MiniImageNet --gpu 0 --query 15 --step_size 20 --gamma 0.1 --para_init './saves/initialization/miniimagenet/Res12-pre.pth' --lr 0.001 --shot 5 --eval_shot 5  --temperature 0.5 --gd_lr 0.1 --inner_iters 20 

to train the 1-shot/5-shot 5-way MAML/UNICORN-MAML model with ResNet-12 backbone on TieredImageNet:

$ python train_fsl.py --max_epoch 100 --way 5 --eval_way 5 --lr_scheduler step --model_class MAML --lr_mul 10 --backbone_class Res12 --dataset TieredImageNet --gpu 0 --query 15 --step_size 20 --gamma 0.1 --para_init './saves/initialization/tieredimagenet/Res12-pre.pth' --lr 0.001 --shot 1 --eval_shot 1  --temperature 0.5 --gd_lr 0.01 --inner_iters 20
$ python train_fsl.py --max_epoch 100 --way 5 --eval_way 5 --lr_scheduler step --model_class MAML --lr_mul 10 --backbone_class Res12 --dataset TieredImageNet --gpu 0 --query 15 --step_size 20 --gamma 0.1 --para_init './saves/initialization/tieredimagenet/Res12-pre.pth' --lr 0.001 --shot 1 --eval_shot 5  --temperature 0.5 --gd_lr 0.05 --inner_iters 15
$ python train_fsl.py --max_epoch 100 --way 5 --eval_way 5 --lr_scheduler step --model_class MAMLUnicorn --lr_mul 10 --backbone_class Res12 --dataset TieredImageNet --gpu 0 --query 15 --step_size 20 --gamma 0.1 --para_init './saves/initialization/tieredimagenet/Res12-pre.pth' --lr 0.001 --shot 5 --eval_shot 1  --temperature 0.5 --gd_lr 0.02 --inner_iters 10
$ python train_fsl.py --max_epoch 100 --way 5 --eval_way 5 --lr_scheduler step --model_class MAMLUnicorn --lr_mul 10 --backbone_class Res12 --dataset TieredImageNet --gpu 0 --query 15 --step_size 20 --gamma 0.1 --para_init './saves/initialization/tieredimagenet/Res12-pre.pth' --lr 0.001 --shot 1 --eval_shot 5  --temperature 0.5 --gd_lr 0.05 --inner_iters 20 

Verifying the permutation variance of a learned MAML model

We can evaluate a learned MAML model and check whether the permutation will introduce large variance. For example, 1-shot/5-shot 5-way model with ResNet-12 backbone on MiniImageNet:

$ python eval_maml_permutation.py --shot_list 1 --model_path './MAML-1-shot.pth' --gpu 0 --gd_lr 0.05 --inner_iters 15  --model_class MAML --dataset MiniImageNet
$ python eval_maml_permutation.py --shot_list 5 --model_path './MAML-5-shot.pth' --gpu 0 --gd_lr 0.1 --inner_iters 20  --model_class MAML --dataset MiniImageNet


We thank the following repos providing helpful components/functions in our work.