HankMcCoy / fluxium

A small wrapper around Nuclear JS, Fluxium allows you to write your actions and stores as plain JS objects.
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A small wrapper around Nuclear JS, Fluxium allows you to write your actions and stores as plain JS objects. The action creators of Flux, which traditionally dispatch actions via a central dispatch method, are replaced with intents which return observable streams of actions which Fluxium takes care of dispatching.


Here is a deliberately simplistic example, showing how to use Fluxium.

var fluxium = require('fluxium');
var React = require('react');
var Observable = require('rx').Observable;
var Immutable = fluxium.Immutable;

var flux = fluxium.create({
    intents: {
        showAlert: function(message) {
            return Observable.just({
                type: 'SHOW_ALERT',
                payload: { message: message }
        dismissAlert: function () {
            return Observable.just({
                type: 'DISMISS_ALERT'
    stores: {
        alert: {
            initialState: Immutable.Map({
                message: undefined
            handlers: {
                SHOW_ALERT: function (state, payload) {
                    return state.set('message', payload.message)
                DISMISS_ALERT: function (state) {
                    return state.set('message', undefined)
    handleError: function (error) {

var getters = {
    message: ['alert', 'message']

var Alert = React.createClass({
    mixins: [flux.mixin],
    getDataBindings: function () {
        message: getters.message
    render: function () {
        var message = this.state.message

        if (message) {
                <button onClick={dismissAlert}>x</button>
        else {
            <div>No message</div>
    dismissAlert: function () {