Hannibal046 / NMT_with_contrastive_memories

[EMNLP2022] Source code for Neural Machine Translation with Contrastive Translation Memories
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Neural Machine Translation with Contrastive Translation Memories

This repository contains the code and data for this EMNLP2022 paper Neural Machine Translation with Contrastive Translation Memories.

The main idea of this paper is to exploit contrastive translation memories in retrieval-augmented NMT system.


The required packages are listed in requirement.txt and we highly recommend to use conda to create an isolated environment as follows:

conda create -n nmt python=3.7
conda activate nmt
pip install -r requirement.txt


We conduct all our experiments on JRC-Acquis dataset. It is proposed in this paper: The JRC-Acquis: A Multilingual Aligned Parallel Corpus with 20+ Languages. We use the same data version as in Search Engine Guided Neural Machine Translation and Neural Machine Translation with Monolingual Translation Memory.

For original data, we refer to this LINK to download the data and this script for data pre-processing.

For ready-to-go data, we provide it here.

Memory Retrieval

We use ElasticSearch to conduct first-stage memory retrieval based on BM25 score as in bm25.py. A useful guide about launching ElasticSearch cound be found here.

As for contrastive retrieval, we refer to editdis_retrieval.py

For ready-to-go memory, we provide it here.


The whoel model is based on the awesome HuggingFace/Transformers. The definition of a CMM model is in module.py and model.py

After everything is set up, just runing the following command would get a CMM model in En->De direction. All configs could be modified in args.py.

python main.py


If you find this project helpful, please consider cite our paper.

Please feel free to open an issue or email me (chengxin1998@stu.pku.edu.cn) for questions and suggestions.

    title = "Neural Machine Translation with Contrastive Translation Memories",
    author = "Cheng, Xin  and
      Gao, Shen  and
      Liu, Lemao  and
      Zhao, Dongyan  and
      Yan, Rui",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
    month = dec,
    year = "2022",
    address = "Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2022.emnlp-main.235",
    pages = "3591--3601",
    abstract = "Retrieval-augmented Neural Machine Translation models have been successful in many translation scenarios. Different from previous works that make use of mutually similar but redundant translation memories (TMs), we propose a new retrieval-augmented NMT to model contrastively retrieved translation memories that are holistically similar to the source sentence while individually contrastive to each other providing maximal information gain in three phases. First, in TM retrieval phase, we adopt contrastive retrieval algorithm to avoid redundancy and uninformativeness of similar translation pieces. Second, in memory encoding stage, given a set of TMs we propose a novel Hierarchical Group Attention module to gather both local context of each TM and global context of the whole TM set. Finally, in training phase, a Multi-TM contrastive learning objective is introduced to learn salient feature of each TM with respect to target sentence. Experimental results show that our framework obtains substantial improvements over strong baselines in the benchmark dataset.",