HanyangZhong / FENet

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FENet: Focusing Enhanced Network for Lane Detection

Pytorch implementation of the paper "FENet: Focusing Enhanced Network for Lane Detection"

The paper is available at arXiv.


This research contributes four main innovations:

  1. Focusing Sampling: a training strategy prioritizing small and distant lane details
  2. Partial Field of View Evaluation: new metrics for accuracy in forward road sections critical for real-world applications
  3. Enhanced FPN architecture: that incorporates either positional non-local blocks or standard non-local blocks, depending on the requirement (PEFPN & FEFPN)
  4. Directional IoU Loss: a novel regression loss that addresses directional discrepancies in distant lanes

FENetV1, employing positional non-local blocks, achieves state-of-the-art results on conventional metrics by concentrating on perspective-dependent semantics.

FENetV2, which integrates coordinate modelling into the 'Directional IoU Loss', excels in boundary localization accuracy for distant lanes.



Only test on Ubuntu18.04 and 20.04 with:

Clone this repository

Clone this code to your workspace. We call this directory as FENET_ROOT

git clone https://github.com/HanyangZhong/FENet.git

Create a conda virtual environment and activate it (conda is optional)

conda create -n fenet python=3.8 -y
conda activate fenet

Install dependencies

# Install pytorch firstly, the cudatoolkit version should be same in your system.
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch

# Or you can install via pip
pip install torch==1.11.0 torchvision==0.12.0

pip install -r requirement.txt

# Install python packages
python setup.py build develop

Data preparation


Download CULane. Then extract them to $CULANEROOT. Create link to data directory.

mkdir -p data
ln -s $CULANEROOT data/CULane

For CULane, you should have structure like this:

$CULANEROOT/driver_xx_xxframe    # data folders x6
$CULANEROOT/laneseg_label_w16    # lane segmentation labels
$CULANEROOT/list                 # data lists


Dowload LLAMAS. Then extract them to $LLAMASROOT. Create link to data directory.

mkdir -p data
ln -s $LLAMASROOT data/llamas

Unzip both files (color_images.zip and labels.zip) into the same directory (e.g., data/llamas/), which will be the dataset's root. For LLAMAS, you should have structure like this:

$LLAMASROOT/color_images/train # data folders
$LLAMASROOT/color_images/test # data folders
$LLAMASROOT/color_images/valid # data folders
$LLAMASROOT/labels/train # labels folders
$LLAMASROOT/labels/valid # labels folders

Getting Started


For training, run

python main.py [configs/path_to_your_config] --gpus [gpu_num]

For example, run

python main.py configs/fenet/FENetV1_dla34_culane.py --gpus 0


For testing, run

python main.py [configs/path_to_your_config] --[test|validate] --load_from [path_to_your_model] --gpus [gpu_num]

For example, run

python main.py configs/fenet/FENetV2_dla34_culane.py --validate --load_from ./checkpoint/fenetv2_culane_dla34.pth --gpus 0

Currently, this code can output the visualization result when testing, just add --view. We will get the visualization result in work_dirs/xxx/xxx/visualization.



Method Backbone mF1 F1@50 F1@75 GFlops
FENetV1 DLA34 56.27 80.15 63.66 19.05
FENetV2 DLA34 56.17 80.19 63.50 18.85


Model Backbone
  mF1      F1@50   F1@75
71.85     96.97     85.63

“F1@50” refers to the official metric, i.e., F1 score when IoU threshold is 0.5 between the gt and prediction. "F1@75" is the F1 score when IoU threshold is 0.75.

Partial Field of View Evaluation on CULane

Field of View Backbone mF1 Normal Crowded Dazzle Shadow No line Arrow **Curve*** Cross Night
CLRNet DLA34 55.64 68.72 53.81 47.4 53.24 35.28 65.56 40.62 1154 49.59
FENetV1 DLA34 56.27 68.7 55.12 48.16 52.77 35.32 65.57 42.11 1147 50.51
FENetV2 DLA34 56.17 69.19 54.38 47.67 53.39 35.15 66.03 43.29 1206 50.55
Top 1/2
CLRNet DLA34 60.17 73.83 57.55 53.24 57.69 38.8 69.81 38.88 1155 55.3
FENetV1 DLA34 61.08 74.11 59.09 53.92 58.46 38.48 69.98 41.92 1147 56.69
FENetV2 DLA34 60.97 74.59 58.21 53.75 58.5 38.59 70.33 44.54 1206 56.73
Top 1/3
CLRNet DLA34 58.53 72.46 55.84 52.84 53.89 38.48 67.76 31.1 1155 53.13
FENetV1 DLA34 59.71 73.06 57.45 53.86 55.29 38.28 67.99 34.61 1147 55.04
FENetV2 DLA34 59.53 73.5 56.43 54.03 54.53 38.49 68.07 37.11 1206 55.05

All the scene metrics are tested in mF1. The Partial Field of View Evaluation about Top 1/2 and Top 1/3 is shown in (a) and (b).

Result comparation


      title={FENet: Focusing Enhanced Network for Lane Detection}, 
      author={Liman Wang and Hanyang Zhong},
