Haolin-Yuan / EdgeMixup

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we need dataset #2

Closed AlfredChung closed 5 months ago

AlfredChung commented 5 months ago

Dear Yuan: Can you share the dataset again? The dataset is gone . Thank you !

Haolin-Yuan commented 5 months ago

Sorry about that. The new download link is: https://livejohnshopkins-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/hyuan4_jh_edu/EVT1V7xYvShMop8xIESavqYB7TQT34SMnbJpM5iGGpHD2w?e=rLdpfJ Please let me know if you have any other questions.

garlicman-man commented 5 months ago

hey, will you release the segmentation dataset?

Haolin-Yuan commented 5 months ago

hey, will you release the segmentation dataset?

Yes the download link for segmentation dataset is https://livejohnshopkins-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/hyuan4_jh_edu/Ec85EA4qeqhJvdVobVr42P4BcTe4kwA8MHVfucspc9BAww?e=23lO4f