Haolin-Yuan / EdgeMixup

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Here is the github repo for paper EdgeMixup: Embarrassingly Simple Data Alteration to Improve Lyme Disease Lesion Segmentation and Diagnosis Fairness

There are two datasets: one for segmentation model and one for classification model.

For the segmentation dataset, we annotate skin images into three classes: background (black), skin (yellow), and lesion (blue). The lesion area contains three types of disease/lesions: Tinea Corporis (TC), Herpes Zoster (HZ), and Erythema Migrans (EM).

The classification dataset has 2,712 samples, and we annotate those skin images into four classes: No Disease (NO), TC, HZ, and EM.


  1. Segmentation dataset

  2. Classification dataset

How to run segmentation:

  1. Regenerating Train, Validation, and Test Splits python train_segmentation_model.py --regenerate-splits
  2. Train segmentation model python train_segmentation_model.py --train
  3. Evaluate segmentation model python train_segmentation_model.py --test

Segmentation Results

How to run disease classification

  1. Generate segmentation masks for the classification images calculate the image's ITA, and clean the data splits. python classify_disease.py --generate-masks

  2. Train a model: python classify_disease.py --train --model-type baseline

  3. Evaluate a model:python classify_disease.py --test --model-type baseline

Cls Results

How to run EdgeMixup

  1. On Segmentation tasks: python train_segmentation_model.py --iterative

  2. On Classification tasks:python classify_disease.py --train --edgemixup = True

Please cite it if you intend to use our datasets or method.

author="Yuan, Haolin
and Aucott, John
and Hadzic, Armin
and Paul, William
and Villegas de Flores, Marcia
and Mathew, Philip
and Burlina, Philippe
and Cao, Yinzhi",
title="EdgeMixup: Embarrassingly Simple Data Alteration to Improve Lyme Disease Lesion Segmentation and Diagnosis Fairness",
booktitle="Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention -- MICCAI 2023",