Pybi is intended to be a GUI to describe and visualize pandas DataFrames. Eventually make some simple data analysis on them.
Strong dependencies are pandas (implies numpy and matplotib) to DataFrame data management and PyQt4 for the graphical user interface, eventually sklearn maybe(?)
Make a free, simple and "scalable"(?) GUI PowerBI-ish or Tableau-ish
place for the plot
dataframe loader (only csv)
dataframe info (columns, describe(?))
some buttons to do stuff
read data from disk
DataFrame and column selection
do some plots/histograms/scatter/descriptions of a column(s)
add filter column (to plot distinctly different mebers of a column (i.e. plot in red all members where the column equal 1, etc))
implement logistic regression
implement linear regression
implement k-means clustering
PCA (? is it worth-it? how to implement?)
move to python3 :muscle::muscle:
move functions to different modules :muscle: