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Tooltips - Grammar/clarity issues #601

Closed Stormghetti closed 1 year ago

Stormghetti commented 2 years ago

A few of the tooltips have typos and slight clarity problems, so I took it upon myself to document and attempt to fix the ones I found.

Do note I don't know how every function tied to a tooltip works. Lastly, let me know if my changes are clear enough and document any other issues you find in the replies.

stratomaster64 commented 2 years ago

If I may suggest:

As for how tooltipping works, the ImGuiImpl file, which hosts the menu options and their tooltips, utilizes a helper method to insert after the previous element.

PurpleHato commented 2 years ago

(Enhancements - Fixes) Fix two-handed idle animations (move to Restoration tab?): Restores the two-handed idle animation, a seemingly finished animation that was disabled on accident in the original game

The restoration tab is for... restoring patched things between 1.0 to 1.2 OOT; This was not in any version and just a plain code error from oot devs, so yep the place is for Fixes, like the other fixes on that category ^-^

Stormghetti commented 2 years ago

(Enhancements - Fixes) Fix two-handed idle animations (move to Restoration tab?): Restores the two-handed idle animation, a seemingly finished animation that was disabled on accident in the original game

The restoration tab is for... restoring patched things between 1.0 to 1.2 OOT; This was not in any version and just a plain code error from oot devs, so yep the place is for Fixes, like the other fixes on that category ^-^

I know what it's used for, but my suggestion was to change the label of that option to a restoration option since that's technically restoring something, just not in the same context that the word is used for in OoT. Since that's already in code, I thought putting something back into place would count as restoration, but since you said it's an actual code error I'll edit my post. Thanks,

Stormghetti commented 2 years ago

If I may suggest:

  • Save Editor: Allows editing of values found in the current savefile, such as inventory, quest status, equipment, and event flags for progression.
  • Collision Viewer: Allows highlighting of scene and actor collision.
  • Fix Dungeon Entrance icon: Removes dungeon entrance icon on the top-left corner of the screen when no dungeon is present in the current map.

As for how tooltipping works, the ImGuiImpl file, which hosts the menu options and their tooltips, utilizes a helper method to insert after the previous element.

Understood, though I meant I don't know how every option that's tied to a tooltip works, not how tooltips themselves work. I have since edited my original post with your suggestions.

Stormghetti commented 2 years ago

As of #625, most of the proposed fixes have been edited in and merged so I've decided to strikethrough those, but some changes have yet to be made so I'll keep this open (also in case people request more changes in the future).

GreatArgorath commented 2 years ago

As of #625, most of the proposed fixes have been edited in and merged so I've decided to strikethrough those, but some changes have yet to be made so I'll keep this open (also in case people request more changes in the future).

Console has, and for save editor, collision viewer, and actor viewer, they all are handled separately to the main ImGui menus, so I missed them, I'm also not sure quite how to add tooltips to them but I'm sure I can figure it out.

Stormghetti commented 2 years ago

As of #625, most of the proposed fixes have been edited in and merged so I've decided to strikethrough those, but some changes have yet to be made so I'll keep this open (also in case people request more changes in the future).

Console has, and for save editor, collision viewer, and actor viewer, they all are handled separately to the main ImGui menus, so I missed them, I'm also not sure quite how to add tooltips to them but I'm sure I can figure it out.

You added a linebreak for the console tooltip. In my proposed edit, I replaced the comma after "commands" with a dot instead since the following words are unrelated to the previous ones in a grammatical sense (unless I forgot my grammers).

I know the rest of the settings are handled differently on the main menu since they open up a window, but if you think you can figure out how to add tooltips to them then go ahead. I'd really appreciate it.

aMannus commented 2 years ago

Could we get an up-to-date list of everything that still needs changing? There's been a lot of ImGui changes over time, and automatic line-breaks have been added in since then.

Stormghetti commented 2 years ago

The physical checkboxes on this list are up-to-date, but so many enhancements have been added since this issue was made that I lost track of any grammar issues in the new ones. I checked a few of the new ones but I didn't find any noteworthy issues (only in the cosmetic editor, which will have a revamp anyway). Someone else could check for me.

The remaining tooltip edits here aren't in because they belong to buttons that open a new window, so it's a bit more involved (but shouldn't be complex to implement, I think). The console tooltip edit is just a small grammar rule issue, but not a glaring one.

briaguya-ai commented 1 year ago

i'm going to close this under the assumption that it's wildly out of date

i'll gladly reopen it if there's an up-to-date list