HarbourMasters / Shipwright

3.27k stars 490 forks source link

Ship of Harkinian Ship of Harkinian


Official Website: https://www.shipofharkinian.com/


Official Discord: https://discord.com/invite/shipofharkinian

If you're having any trouble after reading through this README, feel free ask for help in the Support text channels. Please keep in mind that we do not condone piracy.

Quick Start

The Ship does not include any copyrighted assets. You are required to provide a supported copy of the game.

1. Verify your ROM dump

You can verify you have dumped a supported copy of the game by using the compatibility checker at https://ship.equipment/. If you'd prefer to manually validate your ROM dump, you can cross-reference its sha1 hash with the hashes here.

2. Download The Ship of Harkinian from Releases

3. Launch the Game!




Nintendo Switch

4. Play!

Congratulations, you are now sailing with the Ship of Harkinian! Have fun!


Default keyboard configuration

N64 A B Z Start Analog stick C buttons D-Pad
Keyboard X C Z Space WASD Arrow keys TFGH

Other shortcuts

Keys Action
F1 Toggle menubar
F5 Save state
F6 Change state
F7 Load state
F9 Toggle Text-to-Speech (Windows and Mac only)
F11 Fullscreen
Tab Toggle Alternate assets
Ctrl+R Reset

Project Overview

Ship of Harkinian (SOH) is built atop a custom library dubbed libultraship (LUS). Back in the N64 days, there was an SDK distributed to developers named libultra; LUS is designed to mimic the functionality of libultra on modern hardware. In addition, we are dependant on the source code provided by the OOT decompilation project.

In order for the game to function, you will require a legally aquired ROM for Ocarina of Time. Click here to check the compatability of your specific rom. Any copyrighted assets are extracted from the ROM and reformated as a .otr archive file which the code uses.

Graphics Backends

Currently, there are three rendering APIs supported: DirectX11 (Windows), OpenGL (all platforms), and Metal (MacOS). You can change which API to use in the Settings menu of the menubar, which requires a restart. If you're having an issue with crashing, you can change the API in the shipofharkinian.json file by finding the line gfxbackend:"" and changing the value to sdl for OpenGL. DirectX 11 is the default on Windows.

Custom Assets

Custom assets are packed in .otr archive files. To use custom assets, place them in the mods folder.

If you're interested in creating and/or packing your own custom asset .otr files, check out the following tools:



If you want to manually compile SoH, please consult the building instructions.


If you want to playtest a continuous integration build, you can find them at the links below. Keep in mind that these are for playtesting only, and you will likely encounter bugs and possibly crashes.

Further Reading

More detailed documentation can be found in the 'docs' directory, including the afformentioned building instructions.

Credits Custom Music Controler Maping Modding *Versioning

Powered by libultraship