Harha / MirageRender

a 3D renderer written in C++
MIT License
153 stars 13 forks source link

Mirage Render

Mirage Render is a 3d renderer that aims for photorealistic results. Currently the software is in very early stage.

Build downloads (not updated currently)

Linux x64 Windows x64


mirage --help
LOG | Main: MirageRender, version 0.0.28
LOG | Usage: mirage.exe --script scriptfilename.lua, folder for scripts is ./res/scripts/
      Available launch parameters:
      Show this help message: --help, -h
      Load a scene file: --script, -s
LOG | Main: atexit(dispose) Hook called.

Example images

Dabrovic sponza test

a Dabrovic sponza scene rendered with indirect illumination.

Crytek sponza test

a Crytek sponza scene rendered with direct and indirect illumination.

Cornell Box, Golden Dragon

a Cornell box scene with a glossy metallic floor, a golden dragon and two room surfaces acting as light sources.

Mitsuba, Texture Mapping

a Mitsuba sphere, spot light source and a diffuse texture applied on the floor mesh.

Cornell Box, caustics test

a Cornell box scene rendered using monte carlo path tracing, caustics caused by water, indirect illumination.

Cornell Box, gi test

a Cornell box scene rendered using monte carlo path tracing, direct & indirect illumination.