HarleySchool / commonssite

Django-backed website for managing the commons
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Commons Control Data Collection

This is the source for the Harley School's Commons Control website. The codebase includes both a standard web server, and data scrapers which periodically collect and store data from the various smart systems in the building.


Commons Control uses Django 1.6 for the server logic. What this means is that whenever somebody uses their browser to interact with commonscontrol.harleyschool.org, the python code in the server/ directory is executed to form a response. The response is typically an html page, but there are other functions as well.

Django provides a framework on which the site is built, but it does not provide content. Here's a truncated list of Django's features:

Django is very well documented. Most questions can be answered by reading their docs.

Directory Structure

Originally this was not a django project. An artifact of the old-ways is that the server/ directory is not the root directory, we have two settings files, and the imports are somewhat inconsistent.

scrapers/ contains the threaded scheduler we use to scraped data. Running it looks like this (make sure your virtualenv is activated first):

cd server # because imports are broken
python ../scrapers/log_continuous.py

server/ contains the django server. It is a mixture of auto-generated and custom files. server/manage.py is the django management program from whence all server control begins.

server/webapp/ contains metadata about the server, like the server settings and wsgi script

server/static/ contains global static files like shared CSS styles and javascript

server/static/js/commonsapi.js contains our small custom javascript class with convenience functions for interacting with the server API from a browser.

server/hvac/, server/electric/, etc. are our custom django apps. In server/webapp/settings.py, we can activate or deactivate apps by adding/removing them from INSTALLED_APPS. That is also how django knows where to look for our code.

server/timeseries/ is our super-app. It is the generic data-manipulation app which pulls in information from the other systems apps.

server/timeseries/models.py contains the generic 'base' model as well as the ModelRegistry model, and a model for saving generic Series

server/timeseries/scrapers.py contains the generic base scraper class

server/timeseries/urls.py is a small file which django uses to determine how URLs are mapped to views (i.e. python functions).

server/timeseries/views/* contain code that is first executed when a client connects to the server.

server/timeseries/helpers.py contains most of the server logic. This is the file to read if you need to understand the API format.

server/timeseries/templates/timeseries/* are the template files used to build all of the "analyze" UI

server/mysystem/models.py (where mysystem is 'hvac', 'electic', 'solar', etc...) contains classes which define the database tables (models) for that system. Models that extend TimeseriesBase can be registered in the ModelRegistry (thereby automatically plugging in to the graph/download/status functions)

server/mysystem/scrapers.py contains classes which extend ScraperBase and handle both connecting to that system's data server, and converting from their format to one of the Models. These are the classes which are executed by log_continuous.py.


The Django templating language provides a way to translate from python state to formatted HTML. For example, the /status page is generated on the server by looping over the systems returned by helpers.systems_schema and creating a table row for each one.

JavaScript and JQuery are the in-browser scripting languages. They handle communication with the server. Live graphs are made by having javascript periodically request new data from the server with AJAX.

We use HighCharts to make graphs. HighCharts is free for non-profit sites. Everything that makes our graphs pretty, interactive, and animated comes from HighCharts. We are responsible for coming up with the data.

Twitter's Bootstrap is an easy way to make things look good and work well across browsers and screen sizes. Bootstrap manages our page layouts. We also use two bootstrap extensions: Multiselect for the drop-down menus, and Date Range Picker for the calendars on analyze.html.


Before you start writing code, you will want to set up a local testing environment on your computer. To do so, follow the instructions on this wiki page.