HarryDolan / qquery

Python interface to Quicken For Mac database
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This package provides a simple interface for reading Quicken For Mac databases. It inlcudes both a python module and a command line interface.

Locating the Database

Quicken For Mac keeps its user files in ~/Library/Application Support/Quicken. In that directory the database file is in Documents/Qdata.quicken/data (or thereabouts). For safety, do not operate directly on this file. Make a copy as, for example: ::

cd '~/Library/Application Support/Quicken'

cd Documents/Qdata.quicken

cp data /tmp/copyofqdata

cd /tmp

file copyofqdata

copyofqdata: SQLite 3.x database, last written using SQLite version 3036000

The output of the last command verifies that the file is an sqlite database.

Command Line Tool

The command line tool, also called qquery, provides a simple, convenient interface to the database. It offers many options, all of which are described with the --help switch: ::

qquery --help

Here are some examples.

List all accounts: ::

qquery --qdb=copyofqdata --list-accounts

List all categories: ::

qquery --qdb=copyofqdata --list-categories

List all transactions (this can create a lot of output): ::

qquery --qdb=copyofqdata --list-transactions

List only transations from account "First National", category "Charity", posted during the year 2016: ::

qquery --qdb=copyofqdata --list-transactions \

       --restrict-to-accounts="First National" \
       --restrict-to-categories="Charity" \
   --date-from=2016-01-01 --date-to=2016-12-31

Report on the balances (including details of secuities) of all accounts as of December 31, 2016. (Accounts with zero balance will not be listed): ::

qquery --qdb=copyofqdata --report-holdings --date-to=2016-12-31

Python module

The module may be included in python programs in the the usual way. Help is also available. Use the following to get a list of all available functions: ::

import qquery help (qquery)

Here is how to list all accounts using the iterator provided by the function getAccounts(). Each pass through the loop returns a dictionary for each account: ::

import qquery as qq qq.open ('copyofqdata') for account in qq.getAccounts(): ... print account ...

Similarly, this is how to list all categories by using the iterator provided by the function getCategories(). Each pass through the loop returns a dictionary for each category: ::

import qquery as qq qq.open ('copyofqdata') for category in qq.getCategories(): ... print category ...

And for all transactions using getTransactions(): ::

import qquery as qq qq.open ('copyofqdata') for trans in qq.getTransactions(): ... print trans ...

There are many fields supplied with each trans dictionary, so the above will produce a lot of output. One may instead choose to examine only some of those fields as in ::

import qquery as qq qq.open ('copyofqdata') for trans in qq.getTransactions(): ... print trans['date'], trans['amount'], trans['payeeName'] ...

This can be further refined using the setRestrictTo functions, for example: ::

import qquery as qq qq.open ('copyofqdata') qq.setRestrictToAccounts ('First National') qq.setRestrictToCategories ('Charity,Gifts') qq.setRestrictToDates (dateFrom='2016-01-01', dateTo='2016-12-31') for trans in qq.getTransactions(): ... print trans['date'], trans['amount'], trans['payeeName'] ...

Next Steps

This is a lot more information in the Quicken database than is exposed through this interface. Requests for feature enhancements are welcome.