Harryman / hashd

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#D Router architecture rough draft #16

Open Harryman opened 5 years ago

Harryman commented 5 years ago
                          \|/           |                                |  +-----------------------------------------+
                      +---------+   +---+----+                           |  |                                         |
+--------------+--------|wlan0|-------|eth0|----------+--------+       +-+--+--+                                      |
|              |      +---------+   +--------+        |        |       | trunk |          vlan switch                 |
|              |                                      |        |       +----+--+                                      |
|              |                  +----------+        |        |            | |----------+  +----------+ +----------+ |
|              |  +--------+      |  IPSEC   |        |        |            +--|wan_vlan|----|lan_vlan|---|lan_vlan|--+
|              |  |  #DNS  |      |          |        |        |              +----+-----+  +----------+ +----------+
|              |  +--------+      | OpenVPN  |        |        |                   |
|              |                  +----------+        |        |                +--+--+
|              |                                      |        |                | WAN |
|              |            OpenSense VM              |        |                +-----+
|              |                                      |        |
|              +--------------------------------------+        |
|                                        +-----------+         +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
|                                        |  veth(0)  |                                                                           |
|                                        +-----------+                                                                           |
|        +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+         |
|        |                                    |                                                                        |         |
|        |                       +------------+------------------------------------+-------------------------+         |         |
|        |        +--torctrl-+-------+                  +----------------|  nginx  |                         |         |         |
|        |        |          |  tor  +------------------+  +--------------+-----+--+----------------------+  |         |         |
|        |        | +--------+-------+                     |              |     |                         |  |         |         |
|        |        | |                                +-----+     +--------+ +---+----+                    |  |         |         |
|        |        | |                                |           |          |  riot  +------------+       |  |         |         |
|        |        | |            +-------------------+      +----+---+      +--------+      +-----------+ |  |         |         |
|        |        | |            |                          |  gogs  +---+              +---+  matrix   | |  |         |         |
|        |        | |            |                          +--------+   +-------+      |   +-----------+ |  |         |         |
|        |        | |   +--------+-----                                          |      |                 |  |         |         |
|        |        | |   |  dashboard  +------------------------------------+     |  +---+   +-------------+  |         |         |
|        |        | |   +--+----------+                                    |     |  |       |  innotrade  |  |         |         |
|        |        | |      |                                               +-----+--+-+     +-----+-------+  |         |         |
|        |        | |      |  +--------------------------------------------+          |           |          |         |         |
|        |        | |      |  |                                            | Postgres |           |          |         |         |
|        |        | |      |  |        +----------------------+            |          +--------+  |          |         |         |
|        |        | |      |  |     +--+  matrix auth plugin  +---------+  +----+-----+        |  |          |         |         |
|        |        | |    +-+--++    |  +----------------------+         |       |              |  |          |         |         |
|        |        | |    |     +----+                                   |       |              |  |          |         |         |
|        |        | +----+ #D  |        +--------------------+         ++-------+-----------+  |  |  +-------+---+     |         |
|        |        |      | (0) +--------+  gogs auth plugin  +---------+  postgres ser/des  |  |  |  |  OpenSSH  |     |         |
|        |        +------+---+-+        +--------------------+         +--------------------+  |  |  +-----+-----+     |         |
|        |                   | |                                                               |  |        |           |         |
|        |                   | |      +-------------------------+          +------------+      |  |        |           |         |
|        |                   | +------+  innotrade auth plugin  +----------+   graphQL  +------+  |        |           |         |
|        |                   |        +-------------------------+          +----------------------+        |           |         |
|        |                   |                                                                             |           |         |
|        |                   |           +-------------------+           +---------------+    +-------+    |           |         |
|        |                   +-----------+  git auth plugin  +-----------+  git ser/des  +----+       |    |           |         |
|        |                               +-------------------+           +---------------+    |  Git  +----+           |         |
|        |                                                                                    |       |                |         |
|        |        Debian VM for Docker Host                                                   +-------+                |         |
|        |                                                                                                             |         |
|        +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+         |
|                                                                                                                                |
|       Host Hardware System(bare metal)                                                                                         |
das-sein commented 5 years ago

I think this needs some simplification. It would also be helpful to avoid ASCII-based graphs as they're quite difficult to parse as a human. graphviz is always available if you prefer to design graphs in an editor. I can work on translating this a bit. I'm going through the components and trying to reason through this and #D for now, but soon.

Harryman commented 5 years ago

Yeah this is where we'd be trying to actually sell hardware routers, so this is very tentative and more complicated than the PoC