Harryman / hashd

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D (hashD)

A fully decentralized authenticated broadcast/discovery system based on gossip and proof of work

Original Paper https://hashd.in/hashd-in-draft0/

PoC - ethDenver


Install with pip using pip install --user . Prefix commands with python using the module flag, i.e., python -m hashd init

Message Types

message Contents Size Compute Forward Rules description
nonceRelay BlkSig + nonce 80b 1 hash does the hash verify & meet threshold Relay additional PoW
headerRelay nonceRelay + header 80b+100b 1 signature does signature verify Relay new blockheaders
bCastRelay headerRelay + hash[A:B] + type + value 180b+64b+128b 4 hashes do all the hashes verify Add new k,v to database
authRelay bCastRelay + Auth Script + hashes 372b+ script size more hashes and script validation do all the hashes verify & script is well formed set new consensus rules for chain
dataRelay bCastRelay + data + hashes 372b+merkle tree & leaves n hashes for n data verfification verify hashes Store data of another node's block
                  PoW Hash                      | 1 comparison             | 32 |    |    | Broadcast Hash
                     |                          |                          | sig|nonc|    |
        Block Signature || nonce                | 1 hash verification      | 32 | 16 |    |
               |                                |                          |root|Psig|Pkey|
(Op(4b)||Merkle Root||PrevBlkSig)sign+(pub-key) | 1 signature verification | 32 | 32 | 64 | Blockheader + 4bytes for bit tag field
            /     \                             | 1 hash verification      |    |    |    |
           /       \                            |                          |    |    |    |
          /         \                           |                          |    |    |    |
         /           \                          |                          |    |    |    |
      hashA         hashB(root of block data)   | 1 hash verification(A)   | 32 | 32 |    | hashA tree - Broadcast Tree
      /   \         /   \                       |                          |    |    |    | hashB tree - Data Tree
     /     \                                    |                          |    |    |    |
    /       \                                   |                          |    |    |    |
 hashC     hashD                                | 2 hash verifications(C,D)| 32 | 32 |    |
   |         |                                  |                          |    |    |    |
 type      value                                | 2 data fields            | 64 | 64 |    |
OP Value Type Value Description
0 No broadcast 0 0 NA
1 Key Replacement [current key, hash(cold key)] Declares the new replacement key and the current key
2 Well Known String This would be a name the chain/id want's to be know by
3 Service Endpoint JSON object containing protocol and address tuples of supported endpoints
4 Schema JSON {opVal:Ttype} the last schema for a chain supercedes eariler ones on the same opval
5 Tweet [hashtag1,hashtag2...] Simple tweet data type, message data is in the data side of the merkle tree