HartzFrequency / Unified-Travelling-and-Transport-System

The "UTTS" is a GitHub repository featuring code and documentation for a transportation system aimed at unifying multiple modes of travel and transport. This includes backend and frontend source code and user manuals. It's an open-source project, allowing contributions from anyone interested in improving it.
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Update Payment.py #92

Closed AKSHITHA-CHILUKA closed 3 months ago

AKSHITHA-CHILUKA commented 3 months ago

The Tkinter code was refined to include a process_payment function that validates and submits essential payment details only when all required fields are filled. A confirmation message was added using messagebox.showinfo to display a summary of the entered details upon successful submission. A clear_entries function ensures all input fields are reset post-submission, enhancing usability. Visual improvements like consistent fonts, organized layout using frames, and subtle padding adjustments were made for better aesthetics and usability, optimizing the payment process in the application.