HartzFrequency / Unified-Travelling-and-Transport-System

The "UTTS" is a GitHub repository featuring code and documentation for a transportation system aimed at unifying multiple modes of travel and transport. This includes backend and frontend source code and user manuals. It's an open-source project, allowing contributions from anyone interested in improving it.
29 stars 41 forks source link
backend booking-system custom-tkinter database database-management hacktoberfest hactoberfest2023 pyhton python-gui-tkinter sql tkinter-gui

Unified Travelling and Transport System (UTTS)

The Unified Travelling and Transport System (UTTS) is an innovative software platform designed to provide users with a seamless and comprehensive travel service experience. Developed using Python and powered by MongoDB, UTTS ensures efficient scheduling and management of travel plans across various modes of transportation.

Table of Contents


The Unified Travelling and Transport System (UTTS) aims to revolutionize the way users plan and manage their travel. With its robust architecture and user-friendly interface, UTTS integrates multiple transportation options, providing real-time information and secure transactions.



To set up the Unified Travelling and Transport System, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/HartzFrequency/Unified-Travelling-and-Transport-System.git
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install tk
    pip install customtkinter
    pip install pillow
    pip install pymongo


To start using the Unified Transit System:

  1. Set up your MongoDB database and ensure it is running.
  2. Update the database connection details in GraphicUser_InterFace/Modules/SQL.py.
  3. Import the SQL files into the utts database.
  4. Run the application:
    python GraphicUser_InterFace/Login_page.py


We welcome contributions to the Unified Travelling and Transport System. To contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them with clear messages.
  4. Push your changes to your fork.
  5. Submit a pull request detailing your changes.


The Unified Transit System is open-source software, licensed under the MIT license.