HaschekSolutions / pictshare

:camera: PictShare is an open source image, mp4, pastebin hosting service with a simple resizing and upload API that you can host yourself. :rice_scene:
Apache License 2.0
819 stars 123 forks source link

404 Error page - on subfolder #123

Closed vitalijalbu closed 2 years ago

vitalijalbu commented 3 years ago

I have uploaded and configured the code on a subfolder. Image is uploading but gives 404 error when trying to get image.

naldekhel commented 3 years ago

Hi @vitalijalbu

Were you able to ever find a solution for this? Am having the same issue, and wondering if there is a work around.


vitalijalbu commented 3 years ago

Unforntunately it cannot be fixed, works only on root folder.

Blisk commented 2 years ago

why is this that big problem to solver just change path to folder in code???

geek-at commented 2 years ago

At the moment only running from a root path is supported