HaschekSolutions / pictshare

:camera: PictShare is an open source image, mp4, pastebin hosting service with a simple resizing and upload API that you can host yourself. :rice_scene:
Apache License 2.0
840 stars 125 forks source link
docker encryption image-uploader images mp4-uploads picture selfhosted

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PictShare demo

Table of contents ================= * [Quick Start](#quickstart) * [Features](#features) * [Installation](/rtfm/INSTALL.md) * [Configuration](/rtfm/CONFIG.md) * [Docker](/rtfm/DOCKER.md) * [API](/rtfm/API.md) * [Addons and integration](/rtfm/INTEGRATIONS.md) * [Development roadmap](#development-roadmap) --- ## Quickstart ```bash docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name=pictshare ghcr.io/hascheksolutions/pictshare ``` Then open http://localhost:8080 in your browser ## New Features - Generate identicons based on strings in the URL [example1](https://pictshare.net/identicon/example1) [example2](https://pictshare.net/identicon/example2) - Generate placeholder images by specifying the size in the URL. [example](https://pictshare.net/placeholder/555x250/color-white-blue) - Added support for external storage - [Encryption of files in external storage](/rtfm/ENCRYPTION.md) - Added text hosting (like pastebin) - Added URL shortening - Added WebP to images (and automatic conversion from jpg, png to webp if the requesting browser supports it) - Massive code rework. Actually we designed it from the ground up to be more modular and easier to debug # Features - Selfhostable - [Simple upload API](/rtfm/API.md) - 100% file based - no database needed - [Scalable hosting](/rtfm/SCALING.md) - Many [Filters](/rtfm/IMAGEFILTERS.md) for images - GIF to MP4 conversion - JPG, PNG to WEBP conversion - MP4 resizing - PictShare removes all exif data so you can upload photos from your phone and all GPS tags and camera model info get wiped - Change and resize your images and videos just by editing the URL - Duplicates don't take up space. If the exact same file is uploaded twice, the second upload will link to the first - Many [configuration options](/rtfm/CONFIG.md) - Full control over your data. Delete images with individual and global delete codes --- ## Development roadmap - [x] Duplicate detection - [x] Write permission detection - [x] Delete codes for every uploaded file - [x] Upload via link/url - [x] Upload via base64 - [ ] Autodestruct for every uploaded file ### Config options Read [here](/rtfm/CONFIG.md) what those options do - [x] ALT_FOLDER - [x] URL (instead of FORCE_DOMAIN but mandatory) - [x] LOG_UPLOADER - [x] FFMPEG_BINARY - [x] PNG_COMPRESSION - [x] JPEG_COMPRESSION - [x] WEBP_COMPRESSION - [x] MASTER_DELETE_CODE - [x] MASTER_DELETE_IP - [x] UPLOAD_FORM_LOCATION - [x] S3 Backend - [x] UPLOAD_CODE - [ ] UPLOAD_QUOTA - [ ] LOW_PROFILE - [ ] IMAGE_CHANGE_CODE - [ ] MAX_RESIZED_IMAGES - [ ] ALLOW_BLOATING ### Image hosting - [x] Resizing - [x] Filters - [x] Gif to mp4 conversion - [x] Upload of images ### Text file hosting - [x] Upload of text files - [x] Render template for text files - [x] Raw data view - [x] Downloadable ### URL shortening - [ ] Upload of links to shorten ### MP4 hosting - [x] Resizing - [x] Preview image generation - [x] Upload of videos - [x] Automatic conversion if not mobile friendly or wrong encoder used - [x] Render template for videos --- This is a [HASCHEK SOLUTIONS](https://haschek.solutions) project [![HS logo](https://pictshare.net/css/imgs/hs_logo.png)](https://haschek.solutions)