HaschekSolutions / pictshare

:camera: PictShare is an open source image, mp4, pastebin hosting service with a simple resizing and upload API that you can host yourself. :rice_scene:
Apache License 2.0
819 stars 123 forks source link

FeatureRequest: SVG hosting #137

Open avegalco opened 2 years ago

avegalco commented 2 years ago

Hi team. Is there an easy way to host SVG images? No processing or change needed, just upload, create URL and serve the file. Thank you!

geek-at commented 1 year ago

I'm all for SVG hosting. I would have needed it myself in the past BUT SVGs come with the ability to include javascript which allows an uploader to edit things on the page and do redirects and so on.

Maybe this can be forbidden with some security headers but until I know that I'll leave this open

dsvi commented 1 year ago

You might just cut the Githubissues.

  • Githubissues is a development platform for aggregating issues.