HaschekSolutions / pictshare

:camera: PictShare is an open source image, mp4, pastebin hosting service with a simple resizing and upload API that you can host yourself. :rice_scene:
Apache License 2.0
819 stars 123 forks source link

return 500 when uploading image in browser #79

Closed piliplaker closed 5 years ago

piliplaker commented 5 years ago

I installed pictshare on my vps by unpacking the zip file. And I use caddy to host the site.

related part of configuration like this:

xxx.xxx { root /var/service/pictshare log /var/log/caddy/xxx.xxx.log errors /var/log/caddy/xxx.xxx..log.error fastcgi / unix:/var/run/php/php7.2-fpm.sock php }

and when the error happened , an error log shows like this.

29/Dec/2018:09:06:40 +0000 [ERROR 0 /api/upload.php] PHP message: PHP Warning: fopen(/var/service/pictshare/api/../data/sha1.csv): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/service/pictshare/inc/core.php on line 360 PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mb_strlen() in /var/service/pictshare/inc/core.php:313 Stack trace:

0 /var/service/pictshare/inc/core.php(124): getRandomString(6)

1 /var/service/pictshare/content-controllers/image/image.controller.php(39): getNewHash('jpg', 6)

2 /var/service/pictshare/api/upload.php(43): ImageController->handleUpload('/tmp/phpGP43z9', false)

3 {main}

thrown in /var/service/pictshare/inc/core.php on line 313

what should I do ?

geek-at commented 5 years ago

You need to install php7-mb so the multi byte functions are found. Will update Readme

piliplaker commented 5 years ago

It works!!!! Thank you.