HashCode55 / Sniper

Cloud enabled snippet manager on terminal.
MIT License
39 stars 1 forks source link

What it is?

Sniper is a clould enabled, terminal based easy to use snippet manager.

Getting Started


Currently, sniper is shipped only via pip.



pip install pysniper


On linux you need to install xsel for sniper to work properly

sudo apt-get install xsel

Then just install via pip

pip install pysniper

If there is a permission error use

pip install --user pysniper


pip install pysniper


Cloud commands

Basically Sniper uses two basic commands to store and retrieve snippets - push and pull

Note - You need to signup/signin to store the snippets on server

Use sniper --help for more information and commands. For help regarding specific commands use \ sniper [command] --help

Built With

Sniper uses the following open source projects


Sniper would love contributions! To set up the development environment follow the below steps -



  1. Fork and clone the project.

  2. Open you terminal and download virtualenv using pip if you don't have it already.

    pip install virtualenv

  3. cd into cloned project and create a virtual environment

    virtualenv -p python3 venv

  4. Activate the environment.

    On OSX/Linux it's as simple as

    source venv/bin/activate

    For Windows


  5. Install sniper in the virtual environment

    pip install --editable .

    Don't forget the .!

For running the server locally

  1. Open sniper/constants.py, comment the production section and uncomment the testing section.

  2. cd into server directory.

  3. Run go run main.go and voila! You are running the Sniper Server.

After making the changes locally, push them in your forked repository and make a pull request :)


Just run ./script/test



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.