Hassanselsayed / map-exercises

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Map Exercises Forkify Project

This project was primarily developed during a JavaScript course I took with Jonas Schmedtmann. He designed the project and I coded along with him during the course. Figure 1 shows the flowchart of what exactly was developed during the course.

Course Project Flowchart.

Figure 1. The Course Project Flowchart (developed by Jonas).

After the course, I decided to take the project a few steps further and add the following features/functionalities myself:

  1. edit a workout
  2. delete a workout
  3. delete all workouts
  4. sort workouts by certain fields (distance or duration)
  5. rebuild running and cycling objects coming from local storage
  6. ability to position map to view all workouts on click
  7. get location from map coordinates and use it in workout description ("run in Toronto, Canada")
  8. city search input, with autocomplete, in case location was not granted by user
  9. ability to delete/cancel forms without submitting

Figrure 2 shows the flowchart of the complete functionalities developed by Jonas and myself.

Complete Project Flowchart.

Figure 2. The Complete Project Flowchart.

To compare between the course project and my updated version of the project, please go to the following links: Course project vs My updated project