Hassurunous / TapKnight

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Character class and animations #3

Closed Hassurunous closed 6 years ago

Hassurunous commented 6 years ago

Finished the first implementation of the Character class, which allows the dynamic generation of characters, including player characters and enemies, using a set of parameters, including the Sprite, AnimationController, and the stats of the character (HP, Attack Power, Armor...etc.). Character Manager lets you manage the various saved characters easily, allowing the storage of various GameObjects, which are Prefabs for the various Characters, and storing those in a Dictionary by name for easy lookup. Added in the feedback for TapTarget presses while working on the animations, which drastically improved intuitiveness of the game. Fixed the Ork sprite for animations, though it still needs adjusted to prevent swaying of the body during the Idle animation. Created the CombatController to move the core combat loop functionality out of the GameController. Created and imported new assets for the Main Menu and Retry? buttons.