Hassurunous / TapKnight

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Table of Contents

Game Design


Tap the circles at the proper time in order to strike with brutal effectiveness and vanquish your foes!

Gameplay Mechanics

Targets will indicate the areas and time in which certain areas should be tapped for the most effective attacks. The more accurately you time your taps, the more effective the attacks. Missing or tapping too early results in a counterattack, in which the opponent can attack the player, causing damage to the player. Defeating enemies unlocks greater enemies and higher combat difficulties, simulated by increased speed and numbers of tap targets. Ideally, sound and music is incorporated so that audio-focused players can “feel” the rhythm with which they should be tapping.

Level Design

To start, there is one continuous level, with foes simply replacing their fallen comrades until the player falls to their onslaught. Outside of the MVP, the goal is to build several levels, on a map, where the player can choose to upgrade their abilities and skills, choose new levels, and progress throughout the world to harder and more powerful foes.

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Single finger tap on the tap obstacles. Touchscreen interface to shop and travel the map.


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MVP Milestones

[The overall milestones of first playable build, core gameplay, and polish are just suggestions, plan to finish earlier if possible. The last 20% of work tends to take about as much time as the first 80% so do not slack off on your milestones!]

Week 1

MVP pre-setup

Week 2

finishing a playable build

Week 3

Week 4

polish and extra features

Week 5

submitting to the App Store

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