Hatice06 / coworker-tools

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Coworker Discovery Tools

CodeYourFuture JS2 Module Project


Clone the repo to your local computer and open it in VSCode:

git clone https://github.com/Hatice06/coworker-tools.git
cd coworker-tools
code .


For each task you should create a pull request (PR). To do this you should follow these steps:

From the command line:

  1. Make sure you are on the main branch git checkout main
  2. Make sure your main branch is up-to-date git pull
  3. Create a new branch for your work git checkout -b branch-name
  4. Commit your work
  5. Push your branch to GitHub git push -u

In GitHub:

  1. In GitHub go to https://github.com/Hatice06/coworker-tools/pulls
  2. You should find a button to create a new pull request for your branch
  3. Include a clear title and description to explain your work
  4. In the description, reference the issue you are working e.g. #4 if the issue number is 4
  5. Create the pull request
  6. Ask a fellow student or mentor to review your work
  7. Move the issue card to the Review/QA column
  8. Once the reviewer has approved your PR you can merge the branch by clicking the merge button
  9. Finally, move the issue to the Done column 🎉

Running the CLI

To run the CLI (command line interface):

npm start 

For example:

npm start list