HausGalerii / Frontend

Haus Gallery frontend
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Update 30.06:

I commited all of the files that I've edited in the last 2 months. The frontpage still has minor design issues, however functionality from css side should be fine.

As for the fonts issue, this is caused by index.css that doesn't have the correct font weights which I cannot edit. Therefore, each page has to be individually edited and added the same styling for fonts, instead of globally (because I am not allowed to edit index.css), which is counter intuitive.

Update 27.04:

  1. In index.form.css I added a new line to make all dropdowns have the same colored background like in figma:
select option {
  background-color: #252525;
  1. I worked on search page last week, today I added finishing touches
  2. I worked on User account page, I am waiting for the Oksjonile registreerimine and login + signup files from Ivar.

17.04 Update: I worked on Toimunud and Artists profile page. They are both almost done. I would like access to the next pages so I can work on their css.

16.04 Update:

  1. Today I finished Collections page and Videos page.
  2. Artists page has the search field.
  3. I started working on the Artists profile page

13.04 Update:

  1. Artists Page is overall finished, the only thing missing is the search box in mobile view.
  2. Käesolevad näitused carousel is still lacking the stylizing to make the 2 images have a space between like in the design
  3. I worked on the first page for Kunstifilmid. I posted a question on Asana, I am now waiting for Ivar's reply to Karola's response and to the iframe issue.
  4. I started working on Kollektsioonid
  5. Ivar please give me access to Oksjionid Kord page

10.04 Update: Finished Teenused page.

09.04 Update: I updated the index.css and index.form.css and auth.tpl files. The Artists Page is almost complete.

21.03 Update:

  1. Don't set height on the image, let it grow as much as it needs.

Okay, now in web view the image height grows 👍

  1. In the page "Näitused toimunud" all years have the same layout in figma. Your version has later year different.

I don't understand, could you please elaborate and add a picture of what you're referring to?

  1. I think we should remove the word "Hind"(price in english), it messes up the design image
  2. I added the max-width to some elements in exhibitions page to match the figma layout and design
  3. Please help me display only 1 image in carousel in mobile view. Suggested solution:
                   var groupCount = 2; // Default group count for larger screens
                    if (window.innerWidth <= 1000) {
                        groupCount = 1; // Set group count for smaller screens

                        group_count: groupCount,
                        prev_lbl:'<img src="{$theme.dir}gfx/slider.arrow.png" alt="<" />',
                        next_lbl:'<img src="{$theme.dir}gfx/slider.arrow.png" alt=">" />'
  1. I linked the css file with the other css page.
  2. I made the <select> element and search look like in the design. There is a weird blue "x" symbol while typing in the <input> field.
  3. There is a <div class="sisukord-container"> missing from containing the <a> elements on the Toimunud näitused site. If you could please tell me which file contains the template for it.

Update 04.03:

  1. Updated the footer of the website to fit the figma design.
  2. Added icons in SVG format, but the mail and link icon aren't displayed because they are not in the html.
  3. Fixed site header file-wide image. It was a very tricky problem.

Update 27.02:

  1. Edited exhibitions.list.tpl to match the design in figma:
  1. Edited exhibitions.article.tpl:
  1. Issues:
<div class="social">
    <div class="exhibition-txt">Näitus</div>
    <!-- make sure to add the icons in the server too in gfx folder-->
    <div class="socialmedia"><span>Jälgi meid:</span> <a href="#" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Facebook"></a><a href="#" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="LinkedIn"></a><a href="#" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="X"></a><a href="#" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="mail"></a><a href="#" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="copy link"></a></div>

Update 19.02:

  1. I removed the class section-title and edit index.css to match the example from
  2. Fixed the arrow issue, I added the css that you suggested.
  3. Fixed. Now <header> is the first element before <div>
  4. Button is now responsive, removed display: flex;. I added display: inline-block; max-width: 300px; and padding.

I have updated the site to correspond to the example one, with index.css and index.html

Update 18.02:

  1. Fixed <a> button element and added a global variable for the button borders
  2. Fixed underline issue on mobile view for "Kureeritud kollektsioonid"
  3. There was an issue where if the text paragraph was too long it would resize the images, now fixed.

Regarding the design: In the current version I made the subtext gray because I think it fits the website better.