Havimaki / useful-resources

A directory of useful articles, blog posts, guides and videos, categorized by topic.
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Useful Resources

After years of collecting articles, blog posts, videos and other general bits of knowledge, I found myself scrambling to find the perfect link for the conversation I was having. So here is a collection of said links that I've found to be particularly useful throughout my career thus far.

What makes a link "useful"?

Great question. Really, it's all subjective. However, I've found the most useful articles tend to touch the three following points:

  1. Has a clear purpose
  2. Explains the concepts in the simplest form
  3. Can be considered relevant for more than the last 3 years

Those three points essentially cover (a) the concept, (b) the way the concept is coveyed and (c) the general purpose of the concept.

If you would like to submit a link...

Great! Please do so with following steps:

  1. Run make resource in the terminal. This will create a new file in the selected directory, with all the formatting in place.
  2. Populate your newly created file with a one-sentence Elevator Pitch, at least two Notable Quotes and a Conclusion. The conclusion can be a quote pulled from the link that you feel encapsulates the resource's main purpose.
  3. Run make index. This will update the directory's README file with title, link and Elevator Pitch.

Want to just share a link without adding the details?

  1. run make link.

If you would like to share