HaxeExtension / extension-googleplaygames

OpenFL extension for Google Play Games / Android
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OpenFL extension for "Google Play Games" on Android.

Main Features

Simple use Example

// This example show a simple use case.

import extension.gpg.GooglePlayGames;

class MainClass {

    function new() {
        // first of all... call init on the main method.
        // the boolean parameter is to enable cloud storage service. Note that google and will
        // prompt for that permission to the user the first time.
        // IMPORTANT: If you call init(true) you're enabling Saved Games API, so remember to enable
        // that feature on your google play games console to avoid Runtime Errors.
        // If you don't want to use Saved Games API, just calal GooglePlayGames.init(false);

    function login() {
        // to force a login request to the user. This is optional and you may not even call this function
        // at all. Call this just if you want to force the user to login (instead of waiting the user to
        // call displayAchievements or displayScoreboard ...

    function displayScoreboard() {
        GooglePlayGames.displayScoreboard("your-scoreboard-id"); // to open one specific scoreboard.
        //GooglePlayGames.displayAllScoreboards(); // to show all scoreboards.

    function displayAchievements() {
        GooglePlayGames.displayAchievements(); // to display the achievements.

    function submitScoresAndAchievements() {
        GooglePlayGames.setScore("scoreboard-id",234); // to set 234 points on scoreboard (Int data type).
        GooglePlayGames.setScore64("scoreboard-id",234); // to set 234 points on scoreboard (Long data type).
        GooglePlayGames.reveal("achievement-id"); // to make one achievement visible
        GooglePlayGames.setSteps("achievement-id",30); // to set one achievement to progress to 30.
        GooglePlayGames.increment("achievement-id",1); // to increment the progress of one achievement in one.
        GooglePlayGames.unlock("achievement-id"); // to unlock / complete one achievement.

        // Please note that all this functions returns false if the user is not logged into the game.
        // In that case you may want to call "GooglePlayGames.login();"


SavedGames API Example

// This example show a simple use case.

import extension.gpg.GooglePlayGames;

class SomeClass {

    function new() {

    function closeGame(){

    function saveGame(data:String, comment:String="autosave") {
        // Note that google requires that you first open a game before you can modify / save it.
        // So, this will save on last game opened.

    function loadGame(name:String) {

    function onLoadGameComplete(name:String, data:String) {
        trace("Data on saved game: "+name+" is: "+data);

    function onLoadGameConflict(name:String, data:String, conflictData:String) {
        trace("Conflict on saved game: "+name);


Login event example

// This example show a simple use case.

import extension.gpg.GooglePlayGames;

class MainClass {

    function new() {
        // first of all... call init on the main method.
        // the boolean parameter is to enable cloud storage service. Note that google and will
        // prompt for that permission to the user the first time.
        // Set up the login result event callback first, always before init()
        GooglePlayGames.onLoginResult = loginCallback;
        // IMPORTANT: If you call init(true) you're enabling Saved Games API, so remember to enable
        // that feature on your google play games console to avoid Runtime Errors.
        // If you don't want to use Saved Games API, just calal GooglePlayGames.init(false);

    function login() {
        // to force a login request to the user. This is optional and you may not even call this function
        // at all. Call this just if you want to force the user to login (instead of waiting the user to
        // call displayAchievements or displayScoreboard ...

    function loginCallback(result:Int):Void {
        // The possible returned values are:
        // -1 = failed login
        //  0 = trying to log in
        //  1 = logged in
        // this event is fired several times on differents situations, results vary and must be tested
        // and adapted to your game logic. for example, if you execute init() and login() but the user
        // doesn't login, cancel the operation, it will return: 0 -1 0 -1 , same as if the user is
        // not connected to the internet.
        Lib.trace("Login result = "+result);


Get player info and friends example

// This example show a simple use case.

import extension.gpg.GooglePlayGames;
import extension.gpg.Player;

class MainClass {

    function new() {
        GooglePlayGames.onLoadConnectedPlayers = onLoadConnectedPlayers;
        GooglePlayGames.onLoadInvitablePlayers = onLoadInvitablePlayers;
        GooglePlayGames.onLoginResult = loginCallback;

    function loginCallback(result:Int):Void {
        if(result == 1){
            trace("Player ID: "+GooglePlayGames.getPlayerId());
            trace("Player Display Name: "+GooglePlayGames.getPlayerDisplayName());

            // Load invitable friends (people you can invite to play)
            // the boolean parameter (in false here) indicates if you want GPG to clear the players
            // cache. You should only set this to true when the player request a reload manually.

            // Load connected friends (people already connected to your game on GPG)
            // the boolean parameter (in false here) indicates if you want GPG to clear the players
            // cache. You should only set this to true when the player request a reload manually.

    function onLoadInvitablePlayers(players:Array<Player>){
        for(p in players) trace(p.id + ": " + p.name);
        trace("GET "+players.length+" INVITABLE PLAYERS!");

    function onLoadConnectedPlayers(players:Array<Player>){
        for(p in players) trace(p.id + ": " + p.name);
        trace("GET "+players.length+" CONNECTED PLAYERS!");


Get player image example

// This example show a simple use case. The method loadPlayerImage retrieves 
// the player image, saves it locally in cache and calls onLoadPlayerImage 
// with the player id and the path of the image as parameters.

//if the id parameter of loadPlayerImage is null, the methods retrieves the image for the current player 

import extension.gpg.GooglePlayGames;
import extension.gpg.Player;

class MainClass {

    function new() {
        GooglePlayGames.onLoadConnectedPlayers = onLoadConnectedPlayers;
        GooglePlayGames.onLoadPlayerImage = onLoadPlayerImage;
        GooglePlayGames.onLoginResult = loginCallback;

    function loginCallback(result:Int):Void {
        if(result == 1){

    function onLoadPlayerImage(id:String, path:String){
        trace("The path to the image of the player "+id+" is: "+path);

    function onLoadConnectedPlayers(players:Array<Player>){
        for(p in players) loadPlayerImage(p.id);


XML Resources parsing example

// This example show a simple use case.

import extension.gpg.GooglePlayGames;

class MainClass {

    function new() {
        // first of all... call init on the main method.
        // the boolean parameter is to enable cloud storage service. Note that google and will
        // prompt for that permission to the user the first time.
        // IMPORTANT: If you call init(true) you're enabling Saved Games API, so remember to enable
        // that feature on your google play games console to avoid Runtime Errors.
        // If you don't want to use Saved Games API, just calal GooglePlayGames.init(false);        

        // Google allows you to download an XML file with you IDs related to some alias name.
        // It's a good practice to match your alias from google play games with your alias on game center, to simplify your code.
        var xmlText='......
                <string name="complete stage 1">CgkI-7SKzbALA2IQAQ</string>
                <string name="kill 100 enemies">CgkI-7SKzbALA2IQBw</string>
                <string name="complete stage 2">CgkI-7SKzbALA2IQAg</string>


    function doSomething() {    
        GooglePlayGames.reveal( GooglePlayGames.getID("kill 100 enemies") ); // to use an alias name instead of the ugly ID


Get player score example

// This example show a simple use case whit the method getPlayerScore.
// Explanations whit the methods getCurrentAchievementSteps and
// getAchievementStatus.

import extension.gpg.GooglePlayGames;

class MainClass {

    function new() {
        // first of all... call init on the main method.
        // the boolean parameter is to enable cloud storage service. Note that google and will
        // prompt for that permission to the user the first time.
        // Set up the player score result event callback first, always before init().
        GooglePlayGames.onGetPlayerScore = playerScoreCallback; // Work with Int data type.
        GooglePlayGames.onGetPlayerScore64 = playerScore64Callback; // Work with Long data type.
        // IMPORTANT: If you call init(true) you're enabling Saved Games API, so remember to enable
        // that feature on your google play games console to avoid Runtime Errors.
        // If you don't want to use Saved Games API, just calal GooglePlayGames.init(false);        

    function getPlayerScoreFromScoreboard() {
        // Call getPlayerScore passing the idScoreboard.
        // This function returns False if the user is not logged into the game.
        GooglePlayGames.getPlayerScore("your-scoreboard-id"); // Same function for both data types (Int/Long).

    function playerScoreCallback(idScoreboard:String, score:Int):Void {
        // This function must be adapted to your game logic.
        Lib.trace("ID Scoreboard: "+ idScoreboard +". Score: "+ score);

    function playerScoreCallback64(idScoreboard:String, score:Int64):Void {
        // This function must be adapted to your game logic.
        Lib.trace("ID Scoreboard: "+ idScoreboard +". Score: "+ score);

    // Note that, the functions:
    //          * GooglePlayGames.getCurrentAchievementSteps("your-achievement-id")
    //          * GooglePlayGames.getAchievementStatus("your-achievement-id")
    // Works with the same logic. Both must be set up the result event callback first.
    //          * GooglePlayGames.onGetPlayerAchievementStatus = callbackStatus;
    //          * GooglePlayGames.onGetPlayerCurrentSteps = callbackSteps;
    // Both functions returns false if the user is not logged into the game.
    //          * function callbackStatus(idAchievement:String, status:String): Void
    //          * function callbackSteps(idAchievement:String, steps:Int): Void


How to Install

To install this library, you can simply get the library from haxelib like this:

haxelib install extension-googleplaygames

Once this is done, you just need to add this to your project.xml

<haxelib name="extension-googleplaygames" />
<setenv name="GOOGLE_PLAY_GAMES_ID" value="32180581421" /> <!-- REPLACE THIS WITH YOUR GOOGLE PLAY GAMES ID! -->

Also, you may need to set android sdk version to 23 or higher (as some versions of google play services requires this:

<android target-sdk-version="23" if="android" />


Google is a registered trademark of Google Inc. http://unibrander.com/united-states/140279US/google.html


The MIT License (MIT) - LICENSE.md

Copyright © 2013 SempaiGames (http://www.sempaigames.com)

Author: Federico Bricker