HbbTV-Association / ReferenceApplication

MIT License
79 stars 32 forks source link
dash drm hbbtv

Reference Video Application

Reference application for online video streaming.

This application is implemented to be a reference video catalogue and player application for DASH content on HbbTV 1.5 and 2.0.x (and MSE-EME) devices, with various DRM, audio, subtitle and multiperiod tests.

Application provides test cases and test material done with tools included in tools

HbbTV Association is happy to accept content contributions to be included in the Reference Application. Please see 3rdpartycontent for further details.

The software is under continuous development and licensed with MIT License.

Disclaimer and data collection

This tool is provided by the HbbTV Association, a cooperation between broadcasters, operators, manufacturers and technology providers worldwide. It is a non-profit association registered in Switzerland, and is as such constrained by competition law which generally forbids coordination of activity, except standardization activity which produces clear benefits for consumers. Therefore, while the provision of this tool has been made to encourage and facilitate standardization around DRM, the HbbTV Association has chosen not to share individual device results with its own members or beyond, to avoid any risk of competitors gaining an advantage through this data.

When the live instance (refapp.hbbtv.org) is accessed it is logged in the server access log. This log is never analysed unless explicitly requested by HbbTV association to obtain for example data about the diversity of devices running the app. The access data is tabulated monthly as total visitors, total requests and amount of data transferred. This data is shared in the HbbTV IITF Reference Application status report. No data is ever collected about the results of individual tests run by other people.

100% of the test data in the anonymized result sheet (available to HbbTV members) is collected by test engineers of Sofia Digital, using the devices in the test laboratory of Sofia Digital. Sofia maintains internal and confidential data about specific models and results, and this data is available to manufacturers in question upon request. Sofia also sends this data periodically to manufacturers to discuss findings and possible bugs in the test materials or specific devices.

Issues can be reported here in github (PLEASE REMEMBER TO ASSIGN YOUR ISSUE TO JUHA JOKI) or you may send email to hbbtv_refapp@sofiadigital.com for any problems or questions.

Usage, testing, installation, integration:


Production (updated April 2023)

Multi-period DASH content

Components and modules:

See components and modules listing at integration guide

Catalogue menu structure:

Mainmenu, submenus, assets and actions are configured in config.json file.

The file can be changed to any endpoint for data to make static menu dynamic.

Menu structure for the catalogue app should respect used json structure that is designed to represent a vod catalogue build by mainmenu and submenus.

Overall menu structure or datamodel is documented here: datamodel