Health-Informatics-UoN / Carrot-Mapper

Carrot: Convenient And Reusable Rapid Omop Transformer.
MIT License
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Add field from MEASUREMENT table #648

Open jbnuh opened 3 months ago

jbnuh commented 3 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Is your proposal related to a problem or functionality gap?

The SDE programme has defined a minimum OMOP data model for Cohort Discovery. Measurement data is included as it is relevant to research in the domain. It would be great if the following field can be included in the capability of CaRROT-Mapper.

Describe your proposal

Please could you add the value_as_concept_id field from the MEASUREMENT table?

Describe alternatives you've considered

No response

I'm part of a Project Team

No response

Anything else?

No response

Are you willing to contribute to developing this feature?

🎨 Yes, I'm keen to be involved in design discussions.

AndyRae commented 1 month ago

Similar issues with value_as_concept_id with #647

AndyRae commented 3 days ago

This is a float in the OMOP CDM - so we would need validation to ensure we match type.

At rule generation stage we would validate and override this.