Health-Informatics-UoN / Carrot-Mapper

Carrot: Convenient And Reusable Rapid Omop Transformer.
MIT License
12 stars 3 forks source link
django health health-data nextjs omop omop-cdm


This repository contains information and code for the Carrot Mapper system. This is a containerised Django/React webapp and associated Azure Functions, which facilitates the generation of rules mapping datasets to the OMOP standard through manual and automated means.


Visit our documentation site.

Visit our public roadmap for Carrot Mapper.


Please use the GitHub issue tracker to submit bugs or request features.


Visit our Developer Quickstart at the Carrot documentation.


Contributions to Carrot Mapper are welcome and highly appreciated. However, before you jump right into it, please engage with the Github issue tracker, and follow our contribution guidelines for a smooth experience.