Health-Informatics-UoN / Carrot-Mapper

Carrot: Convenient And Reusable Rapid Omop Transformer.
MIT License
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Scan Report Index - Split out Status Columns #696

Open blargly opened 2 months ago

blargly commented 2 months ago


While the investigation into the Azure based routing is ongoing, we can proceed with splitting out the column functionality. Status now should be: Status and Estimated Mapping Progress.

Status is split into Uploading, Upload Failed, Awaiting Table Ids, Processing, Failed Processing, Done. This is set automatically by the app, depending on the upload and processing progress.

Mapping Progress is: 0%., 25%, 50%. 75% and Complete. Defaults to 0. This is set manually by the user. This the column used to check for "Mapping Complete".

We will need 2 new entities, and to seed these in our back end. Do this in the proper way - using Django Fixtures (already in the app_).


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