Health-Informatics-UoN / Carrot-Mapper

Carrot: Convenient And Reusable Rapid Omop Transformer.
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Mapping Diagram Filter #757

Open rsippy opened 2 weeks ago

rsippy commented 2 weeks ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Is your proposal related to a problem or functionality gap?

The mapping diagram can be a little overwhelming and difficult to follow as it displays all tables and all concepts.

Describe your proposal

It would be great if there was an option to filter or select which tables/concepts are being diagrammed. This would help with interpretability and increase the utility of the mapping diagram.

Describe alternatives you've considered

No response

I'm part of a Project Team

University of Cambridge -

Anything else?

No response

Are you willing to contribute to developing this feature?


AndyRae commented 2 weeks ago

Hi - we completely agree.

Although our initial reimplementation of the view as described in #750 will likely use the existing diagram, we're keen to improve the mapping rules page overall (especially add better filtering across all rules) and make this diagram useful, and capable of handling a lot of rules.