HearthSim / Arcane-Tracker

An automatic Hearthstone tracker for Android
146 stars 36 forks source link
android hearthstone hearthstone-deck-tracker

Build Status

Arcane Tracker

Arcane Tracker is not maintained anymore, read https://articles.hsreplay.net/2020/08/19/arcane-tracker-to-be-phased-out-on-august-31st/ for more details.


An automatic Hearthstone tracker for Android.

Install it from the Google Play or the Releases page.

Filing bugs/feature requests

Feel free to file bugs/feature requests at https://github.com/HearthSim/Arcane-Tracker/issues. Put as many details as you can.

If something wrong happens during a game, you can go to 'settings -> send feedback' to send a bug report including detailed logs for us to investigate.


See CONTRIBUTING.md for how to start contributing and DEVELOPER.md for some tips to help during development.