HectusNet / NeoBB

Players compete in a turn-based match with random blocks which do random things.
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blockbattle minecraft minecraft-plugin paper papermc-plugin


How to Compile & Use

This guide will get you to running the plugin on your own. You'll need to manually compile and then setup your own server with the compiled plugin.

Downloading the Code

To compile the plugin, you are gonna need to clone the repository onto your computer. To do that, I recommend just using the GitHub Desktop app, as it provides a very simple and easy to use interface, without any command line.
Additionally, you can use this command to clone it using the command line:

# Clone the Repository (requires Git to be installed):
git clone https://github.com/HectusNet/NeoBlockBattles

# Change Directory to the Downloaded Files:
cd NeoBlockBattles


To compile the plugin, you will need to use gradle. The easiest way is just running this command:

# Using Gradle Installation:
gradle build

# Built-in Batch Script:
./gradlew build

# Built-in Windows Script:
gradlew.bat build

After this, you will have a JAR file at ./build/libs/NeoBB-*.jar


To run the plugin, just create a PaperMC or PurPur server (just use Google).
After that, you can put the official world or a custom one into the server files and add the built NeoBB-*.jar file into the plugins/ folder. Afterwards, just run the server like you usually would and start a match using /start <players...>.


When contributing to this project, please keep these things in mind!

Text Format


When using any form of text, like sending messages to players, showing titles, scoreboards, or really anything else, please always try to use Components provided by the adventure-api.
PaperMC has built-in support for them and even if they might seem more complicated than just Strings, their possibilities are basically endless and it allows for some insane text formatting, like colors, formatting, hover text, click events, etc.


Preferably, you can also use translations instead of just text. To add a new translation and use it, you can just add it to the en_US.properties file.
For the translation to actually be usable, please contact MarcPG and ask him to upload the newest translations to the server.
To actually use translations, you can use the Translation class provided by LibPG. There are two translation types:

The method parameters are just the Locale of the player, using Player#locale() or NeoPlayer#locale(), followed by the translation key and then additionally values for the placeholders.

For more information, like parameters, please read the JavaDocs of the Translation class.


For the colors, please try to use the colors provided in the utility class Colors, instead of using NamedTextColor or TextColor directly. It provides you with the basic colors as they should be used, with accent colors and more.

Adding new Turns

Adding new turns is really simple. All you need to do is create a class which meets these requirements:

  1. Starts with a T, like TTurnName or TPurpleWool.
  2. Extends the Turn<?> interface, where the type parameter should be the class of the turn's data. Check next point for more info.
  3. Implement the usage class of the turn, like BlockUsage or MobUsage. You can check the interface's code to see what class to use as a type parameter for the second point.
  4. Implement one or more function classes, like AttackFunction or CounterbuffFunction. You should always try using only one function interface, if possible.
  5. Implement the turn's item class, like NeutralClazz or HotClazz.
  6. Implement all necessary methods, like the cost(), item(), etc. and additionally also other methods like apply()
  7. The getValue() method should always just return the data object.
  8. Add the turn into the game's GameInfo object. It is at the beginning of every game class and shouldn't be hard to find.
  9. Add it to the events in TurnEvents or create a new event method in TurnEvents.

You can simplify this process by just copy-pasting the TExample class and modifying your values. It has the constructors very compressed for you and everything else, like the getValue() method already implemented.
Don't forget to change the item() and cost() methods please, as they are very important!