HedvigInsurance / ugglan

It's just an insurance app for iOS
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
81 stars 11 forks source link

Hedvig is a new approach to insurance currently available in Sweden, Norway and Denmark, we belive in transparency hence we code in the open and publish all our source code here on Github, feel free to take a peek, if you are interested in working with us check out our jobs page.

🦉 It's just an insurance app for iOS

Run the app

  1. Install Xcode

    get it from the Mac App Store

  2. Install tuist by following this guide


  3. Run post-checkout



We use swift-format for formatting, it's ran on all staged files automatically in a pre-commit hook.

  1. Install githooks

    sh scripts/githooks.sh

  2. Install swift-format

    sh scripts/install-swift-format.sh

How to release

Before release

Before release making sure you Cancel or release any pending releases on App Store Connect.

  1. Go to Actions -> CreateRelease

  2. Click Run workflow

  3. Wait for the build to complete and get processed by App Store Connect

After release

  1. Go to Actions -> IncreaseVersionNumber

  2. Enter desired App Store version number

  3. Click Run workflow

Additional requirements

.netrc file in root folder - you will need access to the hedvig authlib repository

machine maven.pkg.github.com



login is your github login

password is token generated at github

Known issues

Run post-checkout issue

This issue is related to the Xcode caching

xcodebuild: error: Could not resolve package dependencies: failed downloading 'https://maven.pkg.github.com/HedvigInsurance/authlib/com/hedvig/authlib/authlib-kmmbridge/1.3.21-alpha-20240313135116/authlib-kmmbridge-1.3.21-alpha-20240313135116.zip' which is required by binary target 'authlib': badResponseStatusCode(401)

Running this commands in the terminal should resolve it:

rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/org.swift.swiftpm

rm -rf ~/Library/org.swift.swiftpm

and deleting everything inside
