Heeks / heekscad

Computer-Aided Design application based on OCE
193 stars 48 forks source link

HeeksCAD is an open source, CAD application based on OpenCASCADE

Best known as the CAD in HeeksCNC ( CAD/CAM software ) see http://sites.google.com/site/heekscad/


See here for instruction how to use HeeksCAD.


The solid modeling is provided by Open CASCADE. The graphical user interface is made using wxWidgets.

HeeksCAD can be translated into any language. There are currently English, German, French and Italian translations.


HeeksCAD has been built for Windows, Ubuntu, Debian, and OpenSUSE.

See the Wiki tab for details

There are daily built packages for Ubuntu through this PPA

Instructions to build it under Unix-like systems are available in README-Unix.


New BSD License.

This means you can take all my work and use it for your own commercial application. Do what you want with it.

Any changes to wxWidgets or Open CASCADE are subject to their licenses.


The best thing to do is use the discussion group: http://groups.google.com/group/heekscad-users

or if you are helping to develop the software use this group: http://groups.google.com/group/heekscad-devel

You might also want to join the #cam IRC channel on freenode where most of the HeeksCAD developers hang out.

This #cam IRC channel is logged at http://camlog.archivist.info/


Dan Heeks: danheeks@gmail.com